Fear Of Water—How To Cope With A Challenging Situation

Medically reviewed by April Justice, LICSW
Updated December 17th, 2024 by BetterHelp Editorial Team

When you have a fear of water (aquaphobia), it can significantly interfere with your daily life. Water is generally considered to be all around us. It can feel almost impossible to avoid.

Everyone who lives with a water-related phobia might react differently to certain stimuli. Understanding triggers and supportive strategies to help can assist many in finding a higher quality of life. 

In this article, we’ll explore a range of aquaphobia triggers, define the condition, and learn more about aquaphobia treatments—and how one can live successfully despite any current condition-related challenges that might be present.

What is the difference between aquaphobia and hydrophobia?

Although many might think that aquaphobia and hydrophobia are the same condition, aquaphobia generally relates to a social phobia—wherein you might experience an intense and ongoing fear of water. Hydrophobia, conversely, can be defined as a fear of water that can develop in the latter stages of rabies. For the intents and purposes of this article, we’ll be speaking specifically about aquaphobia and the range of related physical and psychological effects. 

How does fear of water manifest?

The fear of water can be a common phobia for many. It can relate in part to the fear of the unknown that can be attributed to certain bodies of water, or it may be of water itself. 

For example: A fast-flowing river on a summer's day may look beautiful to many. However, when you have aquaphobia, you may be frightened of what potentially lies under the surface. You could find your mind conjuring up scenarios of you getting into trouble in the water or perhaps encountering frightening creatures in the water. You may also worry that a fast current might drag you away. 

If this fear sounds familiar, online therapy can help. Speaking with a therapist about your concerns can often be the first step to feeling confident around bodies of water and water-related items.

Do you have a fear of water?

What causes aquaphobia?

Before you can begin to work through a phobia of water, it can be helpful to first understand what you're experiencing. There are various causes of water phobia, including:

  • Being unused to water: For example—this could occur if you spent your formative years in a land-locked or desert area.

  • Experiencing a trauma relating to water: For example, you may have fallen into a body of water and been unable to swim. Or, you might have been pushed into the ocean as a joke and almost drowned. Any fears or past traumas related to water can contribute to aquaphobia. 

If you are experiencing trauma, support is available. Please see our Get Help Now page for more resources.

  • Having close relatives or caregivers who are aquaphobic: Having people close to you who are water-phobic can result in that phobia being passed on to you.

What are the symptoms of water phobia?

Aquaphobia can manifest in a range of physical or psychological symptoms. Some of these can include:

  • Experiencing panic attacks or feelings of distress at the thought of being near water

  • Doing all that you can to avoid water

  • Crying, sweating, trembling and feeling as if you’re “losing control” when faced with water-related triggers 

  • Feeling faint or fainting at the sight of water

  • Experiencing shallow breathing, higher blood pressure than normal and hyperventilating when you see water

We do want to note that the above symptoms can vary from person to person depending on the extent of their fear of water. Certain individuals may actively avoid bathing or showering because their phobia is so intense. For some, their phobia might be buried in the subconscious mind—which means that the manifestations may be limited to select physical or psychological symptoms.

This range of experience can mean that certain people may not even be aware that they have a water phobia. They may put practices in place where they merely avoid water rather than exposing themselves to their fears.

Overcoming a fear of water

If you are living with aquaphobia, you’re not alone. It’s estimated that 2-3% of people in the U.S. have been formally diagnosed with the condition. 

There are many different forms of therapy to consider that can be helpful in overcoming aquaphobia:

Cognitive behavioral therapy: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is generally considered to be a  common form of treatment for this condition. Your therapist can work with you either in person or online to help you remove negative associations and thoughts from your mind. Positive and rational thoughts can then be worked on to replace any negative worries and attitudes.

  • Exposure therapy: Exposure therapy is generally considered to be another common strategy to address water phobia. You can work with your therapist to undergo strategic exposures (either virtually or in real life) to help you unlearn feelings of fear associated with a trigger. 

  • Psychotherapy and hypnosis: If your phobia feels particularly intense, you may benefit from either or both of these therapies.

  • Medications: Alongside exposure therapy, you may sometimes be prescribed medication to help you relax and reduce any panic attacks you may experience.

Self-help tips to help you cope with aquaphobia: A guide 

Overcoming a fear of water, often classified as a specific phobia, can be achieved through conscious mental health efforts and evidence-based interventions. Below, we’ve listed a few self-help techniques and evidence-based interventions to help you cope with the challenges that can be associated with aquaphobia.

Acknowledge your fear

When you're near water, you may go into fight/flight mode. Your heart may race, you may feel nervous, and you may begin to sweat. 

If you feel these symptoms begin to occur, it can be helpful to take steps to regain control and de-escalate the fear you might be experiencing. Accepting aquaphobia is often the first step to conquering it for many! 

Getty/Vadym Pastukh
Do you have a fear of water?

Pinpoint where your fear came from

Before you face any water-related triggers, it can be helpful to think back to when you remember first becoming scared of it. Was your fear learned from your parents or peers, or was there a specific incident that triggered it? Sometimes, knowing where the fear came from can equip you with the tools to understand, intellectualize and consequently cope with your phobia.

Contradict your negative thoughts

If you’re feeling nervous or negative about a possible exposure, it can be helpful to think of all the times you've been near water and things were okay. You might remind yourself that you didn't fall in and you didn't drown. You can also reframe your thoughts positively, possibly thinking of all the friends you have who enjoy the water (or the possibly critical role it can play in our bodies).

Learn to manage your anxiety through breathing techniques 

Staying aware of your breathing can be helpful as you work to manage symptoms related to anxiety disorders. Recent information has suggested that concentrating on taking regular, slow breaths can shift your focus away from perceived negative physical and emotional responses. 

Expose yourself to your fear

This method of support can look different for everyone and is generally best done with the support and oversight of your medical practitioner or therapist. This is known as exposure therapy, which gradually exposes individuals to feared stimuli, such as deep water or large bodies of water, in a controlled and supportive environment, allowing them to confront and overcome their fears. 

If you are cleared for this treatment option, you can consider taking a good friend whom you trust with you. They can support you throughout the exercise. 

Cognitive behavioral therapy 

Exposure therapy is a key component of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). By combining exposure therapy with cognitive behavioral techniques, individuals can develop effective coping strategies and gradually decrease their anxiety surrounding water-related situations, ultimately improving their mental health and quality of life.

How can online therapy help those living with aquaphobia? 

There are many options available to help you to overcome your fear of water. Once you are aware of available supportive strategies, you can begin to experiment to determine which option is the best for you.  

Online therapy can be helpful to those who live with aquaphobia, possibly offering a more convenient treatment option. As the modality is designed to reduce barriers to treatment, it can be more approachable to those who feel overwhelmed by symptoms of anxiety disorder and strain. People may feel more comfortable being vulnerable in the comfort of their own homes, where they may feel freer of judgment. 

Is online therapy effective? 

Research suggests that online therapy can be especially effective for those who are living with anxiety disorders and related symptoms. In a recent meta-analysis of over 20+ studies, results showed moderate to large positive impacts across one’s functional impairment and quality of life after online therapy was given. Information also suggested that online therapy offered comparable gains when compared to in-person methods of therapeutic intervention.


Aquaphobia can feel overwhelming. However, many can find relief with online therapeutic intervention and other supportive strategies. Information suggests that online therapy can be just as effective as in-person intervention. BetterHelp can connect you with an online therapist in your area of need.
It is possible to overcome phobias
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