Can body language be learned?

Asked by Anonymous

Body language is something we all use, whether intentionally or unintentionally.  It can be interesting to think about the body language you use and where it came from.  Most of our thinking patterns and behaviors are formed in our formative years of life.  Therefore, our body language patterns are also typically formed in our formative years of life.  We are like sponges in those formative years of life and soak in all the different types of body language that we observe.  For example, if I observe my mother and father hitting the wall or table when they are angry, I will be more likely to use that same body language when I am angry.  Even though we learn a lot of body language when we are young, that does not mean we cannot change our body language as we get older.  Using the same example from above, if I become older and feel like I do not like that type of body language when I am angry, I can learn other types of body language appropriate to use when I am angry. 

Body language is also learned and influenced by the society and culture that we live in.  Again, we can be like sponges, and we can start to absorb the body language of those around us.  For example, in some societies and cultures, it is appropriate to kiss the cheek whenever you greet someone, whereas, in other cultures, this would be perceived as encroaching on someone’s personal space.  We tend to assimilate to what those around us are doing, and body language is no exception to this. 

Body language can be learned in a specific setting if the setting requires it.  In different careers, relationships, etc., some people might be required to learn new types of body language. For example, when someone becomes a counselor, they are taught different types of body language in graduate school training that conveys someone who is listening and cares.  Even if somebody's language is somewhat uncomfortable at first, it can be learned with more practice and should become more comfortable with time.