How long have you been practicing?

Hi I'm 26 years old I've dealt with anxiety for a while now and I was able to cope with it but recently I feel like it's gotten worse and panic attacks what can I do to help me get better and deal with it when it starts to come.
Asked by Nicki

Thank you for asking your question. To answer your first question, I’ve been a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist for nine years.

I appreciate you sharing that you have anxiety. It’s unfortunately common, and the good news is: it can be managed. Plus, you shared that you have been able to manage your anxiety in the past, which points to your abilities to manage it now and in the future. Past successes point to future successes.

To start, I suggest looking back on what you were doing previously to manage and explore why those techniques might not be working now. Perhaps being mindful, focused and consistent with using what has worked in the past may help to relieve some of your anxious feelings. And, as you stated at the end of your question – recognizing when your anxiety is starting to build is a good time to step in with some anxiety-busting interventions.

Here are some common techniques to help with anxiety. Perhaps you have tried some of these? First, self-care and coping techniques can be beneficial. Deep breathing, using imagery, journaling, replacing negative thoughts with neutral/positive thoughts (altering your thinking), recognizing triggers and patterns, focusing on what you can control, and caring for yourself (healthy eating, proper sleep, etc) are some ideas to help proactively manage anxiety. Also, reflecting on your personal strengths can help you achieve a more balanced view of yourself, as well as bring some of those strengths to help with your concerns. Self-care and coping strategies should be tailored to what works for you, as each person is unique. This may take some trial and error to find what is effective for you.

Talking over your concerns with a licensed therapist can help, as the therapist will listen to your concerns and offer ideas and perspectives to help with your situation. With anxiety, sometimes the thoughts a person has contributes to their anxiety. A therapist can listen and offer new perspectives (new ways of looking at a situation), which helps to re-frame the situation and lessen anxiety.

Another suggestion are the Groupinars at BetterHelp. The Groupinar topics change every so often, so it’s helpful to check back every couple of weeks to see what’s been added.

I wish you well on your healing journey. Better days are waiting for you! You are not alone – help is within reach at BetterHelp. So, please reach out to your therapist for more help.

In wellness – Dr. Sally Gill, LMFT

(PhD, MS, LMFT, C.C.T.S.I.)