Need coping mechanism for anxiety and depression.

Recently, I started a new job and was excited because it fit my background 100%. Turns out, that the job is not what I interviewed for. Kind of a bait and switch. Since being onboarded, I have felt abandoned. I have not connected with anyone and I have been treated as an outsider for the last 6 months. Also, I have noticed unethical behavior in this major company however, I don't feel reporting this would be beneficial to my career.
I also have lost a couple of family members to cancer in the last 3 months as well as coping with a PTSD. Other than that, life is good!
Asked by BK


I am so sorry you were baited into a job opportunity that ended up not being so great. It sounds like this work environment is toxic.

Usually, before I recommend someone leaving a job, I like to see if there is a possibility of setting boundaries at work, and if so, how much stress that would alleviate. However, noticing unethical behavior and being unsupported sounds like it may be time to start looking elsewhere.

So, next I wanted to validate that it is absolutely okay to do what is in your best interest and if that is to find employment else where then so be it! 

So, if this is the case, then let's talk about tips on other opportunities:

What are your life values? And how can your career support this? Going into an interview is the perfect time to already set those boundaries (by stating your values and your boundaries from the get go) and also this is an opportunity for you to interview them and see if the job is a right fit for you. Now, I know in this case you were "catfished" it seems, so that is unfair. Let's call this experience the exception to the case. You can also professionally explain your recent experience to your new prospect and use that as a point of reference for checking in with whoever is interviewing you to make sure this is a healthy environment, cares about its employees, respectful of boundaries, time off, and ethics. 

All of that being said, I want you to know it is okay if this opportunity wasn't what you expected. It is okay to grieve the loss of what you expected. And, furthermore, it is okay to know and trust that a perfect opportunity for you is out there, one that will fit your needs and desires and one that is a healthy environment to work in! 

I am also sorry to hear that you are coping with the loss of several family members in your life to cancer. This can be so hard and I hope you take the time or have had the time to properly grieve. If you feel you are having PTSD from this experience or having a hard time coping, I recommend talking to a counselor! It is a wonderful experience to have space that is held specifically for you to process your emotions, grief, anger, and whatever else you may be feeling. 

I am happy to hear "life is good!" I hope you find a healthy work situation, as work takes up a big chunk of our life and you deserve the opportunity of your dreams! And I hope you find healthy ways to cope with the grief of losing loved ones. BetterHelp is a wonderful platform for support quickly if you need it! Best of luck.