Why family is important in our life?

Asked by Anonymous

Family can be such a beautiful experience in life in so many ways.  Family dynamics have looked different throughout history and are continuing to change.  One component of being in such an important family is that they serve as a comforting companionship.  We all naturally experience highs and lows throughout our lives.  Having a family to commiserate and talk with about the highs in our life can feel really exciting.  Then, when the hard times come in life, having a family to help you through those low times can be really comforting.  A family can help you cope with the low times in a number of ways that others may not be able to do.  Your family knows you more than anyone else and will know what can really help you when you are down.  Having those people in your life that understand you really well and have seen you at your lowest of lows can be really comforting for future low moments.  On that same note, your family is typically willing to care for you when you can’t care for yourself.  For example, if you become sick and/or injured, family members are typically the first to step up to the plate to help care for you.

Another important part of a family is that they are a healthy outlet in your life to share beautiful memories with.  Those beautiful moments become a history you share with your family that likely goes further back than anyone else in your life.  You can make beautiful memories with other people in your life, but memories made with your family are more likely to be throughout your lifetime.  On that same note, your family is there for you throughout your life, and in that way, they support certain life goals you have. Certain life goals can feel somewhat overwhelming and far-reaching, but having a family there to support you through those can make them more likely to happen.  Also, the family can sometimes jump in to help you reach certain life goals that are important to you.  For example, if you need financial assistance to get a degree you want, sometimes family can jump in and help out with that.