Which friendships are the most valuable?

Asked by Anonymous

To a certain degree, time can make a difference as to what friendships are the most valuable.  Time does not necessarily mean in length, but more the quality of time you have established the connection within that friendship.  A friendship that has a solid foundation is not effortless; it requires work and commitment.  But should you decide to put in that time and effort, you will find these friendships the most valuable.  But what is it about time and effort to make the relationship worth more than other friendships?

The time spent establishing a connection with your friend holds value because of those memories attached to the friendship.  The adventures you make with that person will last a lifetime and will always be cherished, even when you are away from that friend.  Taking risks and exploring life with another person is a method in which you feel connected with someone; these are the types of things that help you build a connection like no other.  These will be the moments that you look back on with genuine happiness; priceless memories are to be cherished.

It is also those times of going through hardship together that make the relationship valuable.  Having that type of friendship where you know that the person will be there for you because you have already gone through some of the toughest moments is of great value.  Being able to console someone and be vulnerable with them, when maybe you would not want others to see you in this fashion; having a person you can do this is meaningful.  There is a sort of comfort within that friendship, a feeling of safety associated with this person. 

As mentioned previously, putting in the effort to establish and maintain friends will be very important when considering the value of such friendship.  There will be times when putting in the effort may be more challenging and perhaps not necessarily a priority, and this is okay, but when you look at the big picture, the effort needs to be there, nonetheless.  If you are willing to put in the effort, and so is the other person, then there is something to be said about the quality of that relationship.