Why ambition is overrated?

Asked by Anonymous

Ambition refers to the desire that one might experience in relation to achieving success or accomplishing long-term goals. Ambition can be extrinsic in focus (motivated by external rewards) or intrinsic in focus (internal, individually defined rewards). Ambition is often associated with the idea that this trait alone creates a “successful” person. The common narrative within society is that someone with high ambition will achieve all things that they put their mind to.

However, ambition can be an overrated trait that is oftentimes conflated with who among us in society “has what it takes” to pursue and achieve happiness and stability. We live in a society that places hard work on a pedestal and believes that all people should constantly strive for “better things.” Sometimes, it is seen as weird or strange when someone isn’t interested or desires to “move up the ladder” in their life.

But, lower ambition (or even no real ambition for anything other than what a person already has) is oftentimes overlooked as an option that can yield a happy life as well. Everyone is different, and some people are perfectly content working a job with steady hours, consistent pay, and just enough to get by if it means that they do not have to work as hard. These people might prioritize their free time and hobbies or even time with their loved ones over a career. They do not find pleasure in chasing after long-term goals or rewards if it means sacrificing these parts of their lives. For people like this, the balance of consistency and flexibility results in long-term happiness.

The important thing about this is to remember that wanting an existence like the one described above is not strange or something to be ashamed of. Because society places such heavy emphasis on people having high ambition and working hard all the time, when someone wishes to focus more on finding happiness with what they have instead of striving for more, it can leave people feeling ashamed or lead to actual shaming. But, it is perfectly normal to want to be comfortable and not want to work more than 40 hours per week. It is normal to have time for yourself and prioritize this over career goals or perceived success. Ambition can be a very positive trait, yes. But, sometimes, it is overrated when we start to conflate ambition with long-term happiness and stability.

(Masters, of, Social, Work)