Why Motivation Doesn’t Last?

Asked by Anonymous

If you find that you lose motivation quickly, a few points to consider can help you stay focused on what is important to you.

Evaluate Goals And Rewards

People lose motivation because they do not feel like they are making progress quickly enough. The end reward seems too far away, and they are not receiving rewards along the journey. Make sure you break up long-term goals into several short-term goals and reward yourself for accomplishing each of these. Delayed gratification is a bigger challenge for some people than others. Still, we all need to feel good about what we are doing.

Remind Yourself Of What Is Important

Are you less motivated to accomplish a goal than you were in the beginning? Try to remind yourself of why you started working towards the goal in the first place. Also, look to see if you are distracted by too many other less important goals. Trying to do too much can cause us to feel overwhelmed and to give up on projects.

Value Self-Care

When we don’t take care of ourselves, we limit our potential to accomplish our objectives. Take time to relax, express your feelings, spend time with people you love, enjoy nature, be creative, and develop relationships with your higher power.

Recover From Setbacks

A very common reason that people lose motivation is that they encounter a setback. Maybe everything had been going well, but suddenly, they are confronted with some disappointment. When this occurs, make sure to utilize your support network. Focus even more on self-care, and focus even more on recognizing what has been going well and the progress you have been making.

Recognize Your Strengths

Not only is recognizing your strengths important when dealing with setbacks, but it is also important to be aware of your strengths from the very beginning. Knowing that you have the ability to accomplish the objectives can give you confidence, and confidence can increase motivation.

Know When To Take a Break

You may be someone who becomes bored easily with projects. You may get distracted easily. For instance, maybe you are motivated to read a book, but you quickly lose interest and want to engage in other tasks. Limit distractions that are present while working on the task while allowing yourself to take a break when needed. Some people start tasks and get bored quickly (this is common for those with ADHD) but taking breaks frequently can help them remain focused and motivated.