Main Character Energy: Overcoming Character Syndrome In Mental Health
Some people may report experiencing life as a narrative, or life story, into which the events of their life fit in some way. This way of viewing life can be a way to make meaning of experiences and emotions. However, if you struggle to develop “main character energy,” which can shape the story you tell about your life, you might wonder how to work on being more comfortable in your skin. Below, explore the concept of main character energy and how narrative therapy may help individuals embrace this energy as they work toward their personal goals this year.
Main character syndrome and narcissistic personality: Confidence and being the center of attention
Before looking at the concept of main character energy, you might look at what it is not: main character syndrome. Main character syndrome is not an official diagnosis like borderline personality disorder (BPD), for which some therapists may use dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) to treat. Instead, it’s a term used to describe a tendency to try to be the center of attention. It can sometimes overlap with narcissistic traits but is not the same as narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). While some people with main character syndrome may display confidence, their behavior can also stem from a need for external validation rather than genuine self-assurance.
How someone with main character energy might use this energy negatively
Someone with main character syndrome may use main character energy in a way that’s detrimental to others. This tendency may lead someone to make every situation about themselves. For example, they might act like the protagonist at someone else’s birthday party. They may have an inflated sense of self and act or dress in an inauthentic way. People with main character syndrome may also lack empathy and find a way to make others' problems about themselves. This syndrome is not the same as the main character's energy, which is not inherently harmful.
What is main character energy?
How to cultivate main character energy
Individuals may be able to cultivate main character energy by questioning the story they’ve been telling themselves. Some people may have been telling themselves a story that includes inaccurate thoughts about themselves. There may be some ways to build main character energy in life. The following are just a few.
Journaling for confidence and self-assuredness
Putting your thoughts on paper may help you explore them in greater detail. By journaling about their thoughts, individuals may begin to see a distorted story they’ve long been telling themselves. This process may help them change inaccurate thoughts and center themselves in a new story that empowers them. Journaling can also foster confidence and self-assuredness, helping them trust their perspective as they gain clarity and challenge negative self-perceptions.
Getting out of your comfort zone to build charisma
For some people, building more main character energy may involve getting out of their comfort zone and trying new activities. For example, some people may benefit from crossing the room at a party and talking to new people. People who have told themselves that they are shy may not feel comfortable doing this at first, but stepping out of your comfort zone may build main character energy and help develop charisma over time.
Learn to discern when to be the protagonist
While building main character energy often involves initiative, there may be times when it’s appropriate to step back and allow others to have the spotlight. Doing so may help a person use main character energy at the right times without overshadowing others. Also, taking a step back can be an empowering move that still allows a person to be at the center of their own story without needing excessive attention.
Narrative therapy to become the protagonist in your story
While the above strategies may be useful for building main character energy, speaking with a mental health professional who practices narrative therapy may be more effective. Mental health providers may be able to help individuals see aspects of the story they’ve been telling themselves that have been difficult to see on their own. Many people see only the negative aspects of their story. Therapy may help them rewrite their story with positive aspects that have previously existed only in the background.
Online mental health care to build main character energy and charisma
Some people who are experiencing difficulty building main character energy might be hesitant about attending therapy in person. In these cases, online therapy through a platform like BetterHelp may be more accessible. Online therapy platforms typically have thousands of therapists, so finding someone who practices narrative therapy may be easier. Online therapy allows individuals to speak with a therapist and receive mental health treatment via phone, video, or live chat from home or anywhere with an internet connection.
Many studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of online therapy for various mental health challenges. One study looked at online therapy and found it to be effective for social anxiety, depression, phobias, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), among other disorders. Also, you don’t have to have a mental health condition to see an online therapist. Mental health professionals can often help with a variety of challenges and concerns. Seeking therapy online may help you develop more main character energy and a more empowering narrative about your life.
What is the opposite of main character energy?
The opposite of main character energy is non-player character energy, or NPC energy. Someone who is more in the background might give off this energy. However, people may have different energy and roles in different contexts in life.
What is the core concept of narrative therapy in mental health?
The American Psychological Association (APA) describes narrative therapy as “Treatment for individuals, couples, or families that help them reinterpret and rewrite their life events into true but more life-enhancing narratives or stories. Narrative therapy posits that individuals are primarily meaning-making beings who are the linguistic authors of their lives and who can reauthor their life stories by learning to deconstruct them, by seeing patterns in their ways of interpreting life events or problems, and by reconstruing problems or events in a more helpful light.”
Narrative therapy is typically based on the notion that people have the agency to change their life stories. A person may not achieve this in the first therapy session but may develop a more accurate life story in time.
Does main character syndrome mean someone is the protagonist or has a narcissistic personality?
Main character syndrome sometimes describes a tendency to be the center of attention. A person with this syndrome may have main character energy but not use it to benefit themselves and others. Some may feel like the protagonist of their own story, but this does not always mean they have a narcissistic personality. While some may associate it with narcissism, not everyone with main character syndrome has narcissistic traits.
Is narrative therapy covered by insurance?
If health insurance plans cover talk therapy like narrative therapy, this coverage tends to be limited. However, people who are diagnosed with a mental disorder might receive coverage. Typically, online therapy costs less than in-person therapy without insurance. Some people may also benefit from group therapy, which may cost less than individual therapy. If this is your first session or first therapist, it’s okay to shop around to find the right therapist before you settle on an option.
Is having main character energy a good thing?
Having main character energy is often seen as a good thing because it implies that a person has a strong sense of self and is focused on meeting their own needs. However, while confidence in oneself can be a positive attribute, main character energy may sometimes lead to becoming self-centered and only focusing on one’s own life and desires.
What is an example of main character energy?
“Main character energy” is a slang term that generally refers to living life as if one is the main character of a book or a movie. A person who has main character energy usually focuses on their own narrative and isn’t self-conscious about their unique qualities.
What does it mean to give off main character energy?
Giving off main character energy usually means that a person radiates confidence and has an attitude of self-acceptance. They usually have the ability to be themselves without worrying about what others might think.
Is main character energy narcissistic?
Main character energy isn’t inherently narcissistic, but it can become narcissistic in some cases. Individuals who desire to control the world to fit their desired narrative as the “main character” may have narcissistic traits.
Is main character energy a compliment?
If a person tells you that you have main character energy, this is usually a compliment. Sometimes, a person may use this term to express that they view someone as self-centered, but this isn’t usually the case.
What are the signs of main character energy?
A few signs of main character energy are embracing the journey of life, accepting your personality traits, and prioritizing self-care. Still, it can be important to remember that spending time with loved ones like family members and friends may be just as crucial as focusing on yourself.
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