World Compliment Day: How To Craft Compliments That Resonate In The Workplace

Medically reviewed by April Justice, LICSW
Updated April 30, 2024by BetterHelp Editorial Team

World Compliment Day, which is typically celebrated on March 1st is a globally recognized day that aims to promote kindness through compliments. In this article, we’ll explore the meaning of World Compliment Day and how compliments may be beneficial in the workplace.

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What is World Compliment Day?

World Compliment Day, not to be confused with National Compliment Day On January 24th in the United States, is a positive day dedicated to spreading kindness and appreciation through heartfelt words. Compliment Day is part of a larger global initiative to promote positivity and strengthen relationships. The idea is simple: take a moment to give a good compliment to at least three people, whether they're friends, family, or colleagues, to create a day filled with warmth and connection. It's a reminder that a personal compliment costs nothing but can eventually turn someone's day around, making it a meaningful gift for both the giver and the receiver.

Offering compliments help you foster positiveOffering compliments help you foster positive relationships both inside and outside of the workplace. Sharing a genuine and sincere compliment with a colleague, support staff member, or passerby at the office, may help them feel, seen, and appreciated.

In the workplace, compliments can boost self-confidence and morale among employees, enriching both individuals and teams, as well as improving productivity.

Workplace compliments can come in many different forms. It can be important to acknowledge that each person is unique and has a different set of capabilities and skills, and each of these can come with its own value. By recognizing colleagues' diverse talents and contributions, you can foster a culture of support and recognition within the workplace.

Sincerity is usually an important component of effective compliments, so be sure to pay attention to the positive contributions of your colleagues. Specific praise can demonstrate sincere appreciation and reinforce the value of individual contributions. Research shows that happier individuals are usually more productive in the workplace, so try to embrace your colleagues with genuine compliments on this year’s World Compliment Day.

How to offer genuine and sincere compliments in the workplace

In many cases, sharing sincere compliments as a manager with an employee boosts morale and increases productivity. However, if you’re an employee, intern, member of support staff, or occupy another role, you can still give compliments at work. Here are a few topics to consider when offering kind words of praise and encouragement to others in the workplace.

  • Work skills: Recognizing an employee’s proficiency in a particular skill can be one way to spread joy in the workplace. People often spend a lot of time specializing in their professions, and it can be encouraging to hear positive feedback.
  • Intelligence: Acknowledging someone’s intelligence can be a great way to boost morale in the workplace. There can be many different types of intelligence, so consider the kind of intelligence required by the task at hand. For example, you may praise an engineer for their keen problem-solving skills or commend an artist’s creativity.
  • Work ethic: For a hard worker to feel seen, it can be important to recognize their contributions. Verbal compliments, such as, “Your commitment to this company is sincerely appreciated. You’ve set a great example for the team,” can keep employees motivated during busy times.
  • Leadership: Sometimes, it can be nice to show your appreciation to your boss. Genuine compliments about their leadership can bolster their morale in the workplace, which can affect everyone else in turn. 
  • Communication: You might enjoy watching someone’s face light up as you acknowledge their communication skills. Communication can sometimes be overlooked, but it tends to be a valuable skill in all aspects of life.
  • Disposition: You can spread joy by praising someone’s attitude, whether it’s their calm demeanor, enthusiastic smile, or witty banter. A compliment like, “Your optimism and positivity create a welcoming atmosphere for everyone on the team,” can uplift spirits.

When possible, try to give sincere and specific compliments in the workplace. By highlighting specific achievements or qualities, you can show genuine appreciation for your colleagues’ efforts. This may not only validate their hard work but also encourage growth. 

The effects of compliments on different members of the workforce

Compliments can be for every member of the workplace, from board members and executive managers to the newest member of the team. In order to create a positive work environment, it can be important to make sure that each and every member of the organization is recognized. 

Sometimes, support staff, unfamiliar colleagues, and custodial team members can be overlooked, despite their importance to the workforce. By recognizing the value of these members and giving them sincere compliments, you can bolster morale and form strong bonds at the office. When their contributions are acknowledged and valued, their work productivity may also increase. Therefore, it's crucial to notice and appreciate the efforts of all team members.

After managers receive compliments, whether it’s regarding their leadership, disposition, or some other facet of their work life, they tend to be more inclined to sustain effective practices, potentially benefiting their team and organization as a whole. Managers who are recognized can feel good about their success, which costs nothing but a few moments and carefully chosen words. Meanwhile, colleagues engaging in reciprocal compliments can cultivate a culture of mutual support, which may promote increased collaboration and heightened job satisfaction. 

Research in hospitals showed that compliment letters from patients to staff members often encouraged high-quality health care. Therefore, even as a patient, visitor, or temporary employee, a genuine compliment can go a long way toward spreading positivity in the workplace. 

Potential health benefits of sincere appreciation 

Research shows that there can be a causal relationship between individual happiness and health, so the benefits of creating a supportive work environment may go beyond work productivity. The simple act of paying attention to positive deeds in the workplace can make people happier, inject more energy into their lives, and reinforce their commitment faster to practices that have a positive impact on everyone's work life. 

Compliments may have the power to make people feel seen, recognized, and appreciated, which are all traits frequently associated with happiness. In addition, being happy can be linked to improved physical health and life satisfaction, so compliments can benefit people in many aspects of life. 

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This evidence suggests that in the workplace, compliments may provide a multitude of benefits, and by cultivating a culture of appreciation and mutual support, workplaces can create a more conducive environment for individual happiness. 

Looking for ways to incorporate kindness and positivity in your life?

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World Compliment Day. is a time to express appreciation for the positive things you see in people around you, including in the workplace. Giving sincere compliments may help you create a positive work environment and build positive relationships with your coworkers. Sometimes, it may be difficult to maintain healthy relationships with coworkers, and work-related stress, may feel overwhelming. If you’re looking for ways to incorporate more positivity in your life, online therapy is a convenient way to connect with a license therapist.
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