Learning How To Handle Criticism And Grow From It

Medically reviewed by Melissa Guarnaccia, LCSW
Updated October 8, 2024by BetterHelp Editorial Team

In both the personal and professional world, the challenge of receiving criticism is a necessary aspect of life. Whether it is feedback from a boss, a peer review, or even a well-meaning comment from a loved one, learning and mastering how to handle criticism effectively is a difficult skill that eludes many. However, when approached with an open mind and resilience, constructive criticism can be pivotal for personal development and achievement. Who gives the person giving the feedback and how an individual receives it criticism can significantly influence its effectiveness their growth trajectory. 

When navigated skillfully, criticism can lead paths to self-improvement and success that might otherwise remain overlooked. Embracing constructive criticism with grace and adaptability can transform potential setbacks into stepping stones for growth.

A close up of a woman in a white shirt as she stands infront of a window in her her home and gazes out while deep in thought.
Do you struggle with constructive criticism?

Learning how to handle criticism: Psychology of criticism 

The psychological impact of criticism on individuals can be multifaceted, often triggering stress, anxiety, and self-doubt. For many, the first reaction to criticism is defensiveness, which is a natural response to safeguard self-esteem and our sense of identity. However, this defensive stance can sometimes make the situation worse, leading to a cycle of negative feelings and missed growth opportunities. 

People can Individuals have a natural aversion to criticism for many reasons. It might be, rooted in both social or and evolutionary factors. Socially, humans generally have a need to belong and be accepted by their peers. Criticism can be perceived as a threat to this belonging, triggering a fight or flight response. Evolutionarily, being critiqued could mean the difference between inclusion in the group or ostracization, which may have historically been the difference between safety and danger. 

Understanding this aversion is often the first step in overcoming it. Learning strategies to reframe criticism from a negative to a positive using a constructive perspective is also helpful. This could involve actively listening to the feedback, separating self-worth from the critique, and viewing it as an opportunity to learn and improve. 

Specific examples of this reframing action can be helpful. For instance, a professional receiving feedback on a presentation might initially feel deflated by comments about their delivery. However, they can focus on developing their skills by choosing to stay calm and view the feedback as a way to improve rather than a personal attack. This can help turn a potentially disheartening experience into a valuable learning opportunity.

Reframing criticism requires patience, practice, and a willingness to see beyond the immediate emotional response. By understanding the psychology behind reactions to criticism and adopting a growth mindset, individuals can see feedback as an invaluable part of development instead of a threat. 

An lederly woman in a purple sweater stands in her kitchen and looks out of the window while deep in thought.
Getty/MoMo Productions

Strategies for handling criticism constructively

Handling criticism constructively is an essential skill that can transform potentially discouraging feedback into opportunities for personal growth and development. When receiving feedback, the person’s ability to focus on the content rather than the delivery is crucial. One practical piece of advice is to engage in active listening. This means fully concentrating on what is being said rather than formulating a response while the other person is still talking. Forbes recommends giving, “Give yourself space for reflection. Try to survive criticism and avoid the immediate defense of your behavior at all costs. According to their review, refusing feedback immediately and trying to present a justification for your behavior seems to almost ask others to push back harder. It can be provocative and usually triggers more unnecessary discussion.” Active listening can help you to understand the feedback more accurately and show respect for the person or co-worker providing the critique.

Another strategy is to ask for clarification to ensure understanding. If the criticism is vague or broad, requesting specific examples can help clarify the issue and how it can be addressed. This step might also involve setting a follow-up meeting to discuss progress or further clarify expectations. This approach demonstrates a proactive attitude toward improvement and a genuine interest in benefiting from the feedback received. 

Emotional control techniques are also important when dealing with criticism. Taking a moment to breathe deeply, counting to ten before responding, or even excusing oneself for a few minutes can help manage strong emotional reactions. This pause allows for a more measured and constructive response rather than a defensive or emotional one. 

Additionally, separating the message from the messenger is crucial when receiving feedback. It’s important to remember that criticism often reflects more about the situation or specific behavior than the person as an individual. This perspective helps maintain a professional and objective view of the feedback, making it easier to use it constructively.

Transforming criticism into growth opportunities

Transforming criticism into growth opportunities can be an important personal and professional development tool. By viewing feedback as a tool instead of a setback, individuals can use it to set goals; focusing on specific, achievable goals can improve overall well-being. Forbes says, “It can help identify areas we need to improve when provided in a respectful and supportive manner, and how you respond to it can actually enhance your professional standing. If you can demonstrate your ability to take feedback, learn from mistakes, and improve your work without taking it personally, you can seize an opportunity for growth.” It is important to adopt a growth mindset during this process, which allows individuals to see criticism as valuable input instead of a negative judgment.

In professional situations, a manager’s critique of an employee’s presentation skills can lead the employee to set clear objectives for improvement. Instead of dwelling on the critique, the employee uses it as a springboard to develop their public speaking skills, actively participates in more meetings to practice, and eventually enhances their presentation skills and their confidence and visibility within the company.

In personal relationships, criticism can also be used for growth. For example, a conversation with a partner about needing more quality time could be interpreted as a critique. However, by taking this feedback constructively, an individual can work with their partner to set specific goals for regular date nights or quality time to strengthen the relationship.

The ability to take criticism constructively is enhanced by viewing it through the lens of a growth mindset. This perspective encourages individuals to see every piece of feedback as an opportunity to learn something about themselves, whether it’s uncovering blind spots, identifying areas for skill development, or understanding how their actions affect another person. By actively seeking a learning opportunity in each piece of criticism and setting targeted goals for improvement, individuals can convert potential challenges into stepping stones for growth and development. This approach not only fosters personal and professional advancement but also builds resilience and a positive outlook toward continued self-improvement.

Navigating unfair or destructive criticism 

Navigating through criticism that is unfounded, personal, or intended to harm rather than help requires a thoughtful approach. When faced with negative feedback, it’s important to use strategies safeguarding one’s well-being and professional integrity. Setting boundaries is important; this might involve clearly communicating to the critic that personal attacks are unacceptable or limiting exposure to environments where toxic feedback is prevalent. Seeking support from trusted colleagues, friends, or mentors can also provide a necessary perspective shift, reinforcing one’s values and contributions.

Disengaging from toxic feedback is sometimes the healthiest option. Recognizing when criticism serves no constructive purpose allows individuals to conserve their energy for more positive interactions and growth opportunities. Building resilience and maintaining self-esteem is key in these scenarios. This involves remembering individual strengths, accomplishments, and the constructive feedback received in the past.

There are moments when criticism–especially if it is harsh and persistent–can significantly impact one’s mental health. In those cases, seeking professional help could be beneficial. A therapist or counselor can offer strategies to manage stress, improve self-esteem, and develop a resilient mindset. They can provide a safe space to explore the emotional impact of criticism and learn healthy ways to process and move beyond it.

A man in a bluejean shirt sits at a table with his laptop and some papers while holding his phone in his hand as he looks out of the window infront of with with a serious expression.
Getty/MoMo Productions
Do you struggle with constructive criticism?

Benefits of online therapy in learning how to handle criticism

Online therapy platforms like BetterHelp offer a supportive environment for individuals learning to receive criticism constructively, providing a space where they can explore their feelings and reactions in real-time. One significant benefit of online therapy is availability; clients can receive guidance without the constraints of traditional in-person sessions, making it easier to integrate therapy into their busy schedules. Through online therapy, individuals can work with therapists to reframe their perception of criticism, transforming it from a source of stress to a point of growth, using professional insights to build resilience and do the best job possible.

Effectiveness of online therapy paragraph

In the context of receiving criticism, the effectiveness of online therapy could benefit from exploring self-practice/self-reflection (SP/SR) in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) training. This method has shown promising results in helping participants understand and deliver CBT by reflecting on their personal experiences with CBT techniques. Both trainee therapists and clinical educators have found online therapy to provide an authentic therapeutic experience comparable to in-person sessions, facilitating a deeper understanding of CBT methods. This approach emphasizes the potential of online therapy as a valuable tool for individuals looking to navigate criticism constructively; by engaging in online therapy, individuals can gain insights and develop strategies within a supportive online environment, overcoming the challenges of vulnerability and effectively using criticism for personal and professional growth.


Navigating criticism gracefully and leveraging it for personal growth requires a perspective switch, viewing it not as a setback but as a stepping stone for self-improvement and development. The journey involves understanding the psychological underpinnings of how we process feedback, mastering the art of constructive response, and utilizing criticism to set actionable goals. Embracing a growth mindset is also important, transforming potentially disheartening experiences into opportunities for learning and advancement. This perspective can be enhanced by the support and guidance offered through online therapy, where individuals can explore their reactions and develop strategies for resilience in a supportive, available environment. It encourages a proactive approach to personal development, urging individuals to apply these strategies, seek support, and embrace the journey of growth through constructive criticism.
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