What The True Colors Personality Test May Say About You

Medically reviewed by Paige Henry, LMSW, J.D.
Updated October 21, 2024by BetterHelp Editorial Team

Your personality can influence many aspects of life. The big five personality test might shed light on the values, likes, and dislikes that can explain your overall personality, behaviors, and thoughts. Workplaces may use these tests to hire those who fit their team environment, and students often take them to discover potential career opportunities and education paths. Additionally, individuals might try these tests to gain a deeper understanding of themselves. 

There are many personality tests available online. Some tests could take a few minutes, whereas others might take 30 minutes to a couple of hours. Each test may target a different area of your personality. One such test is the True Colors personality test. 

The True Colors test uses orange, gold, blue, and green to represent four temperaments or personality types. The four colors combine in varying ways to make up different personality spectrums.

For many people, one of the four types is more dominant than the others. The American Psychological Association notes that understanding your personality could be beneficial in understanding your behaviors, desires, and thoughts.

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How the True Colors personality test works

In the True Colors personality test, individuals answer questions about their likes and dislikes. Based on their answers, the test proctor or website utilized will identify their primary personality test color. Additionally, as all four colors may influence your personality to a degree, the test will describe how the other colors fit in with your results. The True Colors test may also reveal your values, motivations, social skills, and learning styles. 

The meaning behind each personality test color

Each color result in the True Colors test is said to correspond with certain personality traits. Your likes and dislikes may point to that result. There are four possible results, including the following. 

Orange personality result 

The color orange is said to represent activity and excitement. Metaphorically, it may be represented by fire, adventure, or delicious fruits. The test states those under the orange result are fun-loving, humorous, witty, and charming. Oranges tend to love a challenge and appreciate recognition for their achievements. They may also prefer to lead, not follow. Those under this color may have a learning style where it’s better for them to try an activity instead of listening to a lecture or allowing someone else to teach them. 

Gold personality result 

Gold is said to represent authenticity, dependability, and tradition. Golds may desire structure, unity, and organization to thrive. A lack of order could make this individual feel worried or unstable. Golds often value integrity and responsibility and might prove to be trustworthy friends and reliable employees. Crossing items off a to-do list could feel satisfactory for those under this color. However, it isn't necessarily "all business" for golds. They may also take pride in being present for their loved ones and have solid family values. 

Blue personality result 

Some psychologists point to blue as the color of intellect. In the True Colors test, blue represents emotional intensity and spirituality. The life of blue may center around social connections. Blues may not only enjoy socializing but seek to make connections with others. They might find happiness in harmonious relationships with coworkers, friends, family, and partners. 

Blues might go out of their way to find a solution when there's conflict. Their deep compassion and caring can make them compassionate communicators and caretakers. Blues might also have strong imaginations and find joy in music, art, and entertainment.

Green personality result 

Greens might find meaning in innovation. The color represents orderly systems like those found in nature. Greens can be logical, intellectual, and philosophical. Their thirst for knowledge and understanding may drive them toward discovery and problem-solving. Greens often turn to research to help them make tough decisions. Their independent nature could lead them to question the status quo and challenge authority.


What your True Colors result says about you

Discovering your primary personality test color may open a window of understanding about your behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. This self-awareness could guide you to make choices that fit your desires. Additionally, understanding yourself may allow you to be present in professional or personal relationships. 

Mostly green result 

As a primary green, you might put your faith in facts. You could enjoy finding new solutions to old problems, and you might care about acting within your morals as much as you care about being correct. Your friends and family might regard you as "the voice of reason" within your circle. Your intellect and thirst for knowledge could make you suitable for a career as a professor, computer systems analyst, or economist. 

Authority and developed corporate structures may present problems for you, however. You may enjoy making decisions and thinking for yourself and could take issue with others being in command. You might struggle to accept criticism and feel insecure when others prove you wrong. You might use humor or sarcasm to cope or could become withdrawn. 

As a green, you might think of yourself as level-headed and unemotional. However, that doesn't necessarily mean you don't experience emotions. You may suppress your emotions or feel disconnected from them. You may only confide in close friends or a professional. Reaching out to a therapist could be beneficial if you relate to this, as studies indicate that suppressing emotions can be unhealthy. 

Mostly orange result 

If the thought of traditional life makes you uncomfortable, you may be a primary orange. Your independent nature could mean you desire freedom and flexibility in all aspects of your life, including your career. You might find strict rules or deadlines suffocating. Although you could enjoy a challenge, you may also crave recognition and fast results. 

Your energy, adaptability, and multi-tasking abilities may be strengths in the workplace. Consider a job that allows you to take charge of your schedule, such as freelance or remote work or work that allows you to travel the world often. If it is challenging to stick to a routine, you might feel that adding incentives or changing your routine every so often could make you feel more comfortable. You may take the same approach with romantic relationships. 

Because oranges are often comfortable taking significant risks for significant rewards, others may believe they are impulsive or irresponsible or that "consequences are coming." Additionally, oranges might find themselves experiencing emotions quickly while also being quick to come back down from an emotional response. Their friends may see them as fun, humorous and optimistic.

Mostly blue result 

As a primary blue, you may see yourself as warm and caring. Your friends might say you're an active listener and a good friend. You might also find yourself playing mediator when others aren't getting along. Blues often find satisfaction in helping others. A career in social work, nursing, or human resources could put your compassion and drive to use in a field that feels comfortable to you. 

Blues may need to avoid burnout, as they could put others' needs before their own. If you're a blue, you may try to avoid conflict and strive to keep the peace in your relationships. You may envision harmony with the people around you and take rejection personally. While you enjoy socializing, you might draw strength from a core group of close friends and won't tolerate false or dishonest behavior. 

For those with a primarily blue result, you may see love as a complex and intimate expression. You might appreciate minor gestures like a gift of flowers, a card, or candles. Blues are often creative, and you might express yourself through art, music, or writing. 

Mostly gold result 

People might describe you as opinionated, stubborn, or judgmental if you received a primarily gold result. If you see others acting in ways you disagree with, you might feel irritated or want to change their behaviors. You may feel rooted in your values and integrity. You could take pride in being organized, punctual and dependable. 

Golds are often detail-oriented and might not shy away from challenging or long-term work. They may often work long hours or find themselves putting all their energy into work. Working toward a clear goal may feel most comfortable for a gold. They may enjoy working as a pharmacist, accountant, business executive, or court reporter.

Golds often desire structure in their lives. However, their need for order may leave them feeling stressed and anxious when things do not happen exactly as planned. As a gold, you might value family, tradition, and creating a legacy for yourself. 

Improving relationships with a color code personality test

Appreciating differences and understanding that each personality type may have negative and positive aspects could help you become closer to those you love. If you're in a relationship with someone with a different color profile, understanding their needs in relationships could make them feel more loved and seen. 

In relationships, the different color profiles may crave different behaviors, such as the following: 

  • Oranges often seek recognition and praise

  • Blues might desire acceptance and communication

  • Golds may want stability and order

  • Greens could appreciate the validation of their ideas

Understanding what frustrates others might also help you avoid missteps and find solutions. Golds might refrain from passing judgment or trying to plan for everything. Blues can work to resolve conflict rather than avoid it. Greens could simplify their ideas for others. Oranges may learn strategies to cool their tempers. 

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Discuss your personality with a professional 

Many individuals seek counseling to further understand their thoughts, behaviors, and ideas. 

A study published in the Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy outlines the broad array of mental health issues that internet-based cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can address. Online CBT has been shown to reframe unhelpful, intrusive thoughts so those seeking treatment can better understand why they behave or interact in specific ways. The study notes that internet-based therapy decreased symptoms of depression, anxiety, and panic in many of the participants. Even if you do not have a mental health diagnosis, discussing your personality with a professional can provide therapeutic insight that you may not have considered independently. 

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While a personality test can be a potential first step toward self-awareness, they do not replace the advice or counsel of a medical professional. If you're concerned about specific symptoms or want to discuss your personality test results with a professional, consider reaching out to a counselor to gain further insight. 
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