How To Get Out Of Your Head And Stop Overthinking

Medically reviewed by Andrea Brant, LMHC
Updated October 8, 2024by BetterHelp Editorial Team

Overthinking can be difficult to combat and overcome. When we overthink, we may develop negative thought patterns and spend more time than necessary dwelling on past, present, and future actions. This thinking can affect our mental health and take us out of the present moment. 

If you experience this, read on for a few strategies to stop overthinking, including meditation, mindfulness, exercise, and further help through online therapy.

Overthinking can be difficult to combat

What does it mean to be in your head?

Being “in your head” generally refers to fixating on your thoughts to the point of worrying, overthinking, or disconnecting from the present moment. It can feel like the only things you’re truly aware of are the thoughts in your mind, even when you’re actively doing something like driving. 

For example, you might have experienced the realization that you don’t remember the last 10-15 minutes of driving because you were so focused on thinking about something. This doesn’t mean that you didn’t know where the road was, just that more of your attention was on your thoughts. 

Negative effects of being in your head

This state can lead to increased stress, anxiety, depression, and difficulty engaging with people or external activities. It can also create the sensation that your life is not within your control because you feel disconnected from the choices you make. 

Another example of being in your head is when you’re at a social event without fully enjoying it because you’re thinking about how people perceive you, things you said to someone, what you should say, or how to make a good impression. This can prevent you from being present and engaged in the conversations or activities happening around you. 

How to get out of your head: The basics

Each person has their own reasons for overthinking and may need different strategies to get out of their head. One person might enjoy meditation to get out of their head, while another prefers taking a cold shower or going on a run. 

There is no right or wrong answer as long as you find a healthy method that helps you overcome overthinking. Most methods involve focusing on things that bring your attention to the present moment using your five senses. 

How to get out of your head with mindfulness

Some people enjoy mindfulness exercises to get out of their heads. Mindfulness practices can include things like walking in nature, guided meditation videos, deep breathing practices, or anything else that promotes relaxation and brings your focus to the present moment.  

On a walk, for example, you can stay mindful by paying close attention to how your feet feel hitting the ground, how the air feels in your lungs, and the colors surrounding you. When you notice your focus drifting back to your thoughts, you can pull your attention back out of your head by taking deep breaths, touching a plant, or naming all the colors you see.

How to get out of your head with physical activity

Some individuals prefer physical activities to get out of their heads. When your body is doing or experiencing something difficult or active, it can be hard to focus on anything else. This is especially true for activities that require willpower, concentration, and coordination. Options include drawing, yoga, dance, running, weightlifting, and connecting with others.

For example, if you attend an in-person or online dance class, you’ll likely focus on what the instructor is teaching you instead of what you’ve been thinking or worrying about in your head. 

Five strategies for reducing overthinking

When you are consumed by overthinking, it can feel difficult or nearly impossible to stop, but various methods are available to help. 

Here are five methods that you can consider using to try to stop overthinking: 

1. Meditation

Meditation is a practice that involves quieting or focusing the mind through a range of techniques. Meditation does not require you to clear your head of all thoughts; rather, it can help you recognize your thoughts without reacting or building upon them. 

For instance, one popular type of meditation is mindfulness meditation, which involves being aware of your internal feelings as well as your external senses. Studies have found that mindfulness meditation can bring benefits for individuals in key areas such as depression, anxiety, and chronic pain. 

If you are new to meditation, you may consider starting with guided meditations, which can be helpful and might take away some of the guesswork about how to do it. These audios can guide you through the process and help you build a foundation for you to continue with. Once you become more comfortable with meditating, you may consider practicing in silence or using relaxing instrumentals rather than guided meditations. Many people begin this “solo” practice by continuing to meditate for a short while after their guided meditation video or recording finishes. 

It may also help you to designate a specific time for meditation. Whether it is five minutes after waking up or 30 minutes before going to bed, creating a routine may make it easier to quiet your mind and meditate. 


2. Finding mindfulness in everyday life

Meditation is not the only way to practice mindfulness aimed at reducing overthinking. Mindfulness can be cultivated in the most mundane activities, beyond a dedicated meditation time. For instance, when you are doing chores, try to focus on the small actions and the process of washing your dishes or sweeping the floor. When driving or walking around, pay attention to your surroundings and the space around you. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you feel? How do you feel? Concentrating on these external factors rather than what is going on in your head can make it easier to quiet your noisy thoughts and find clarity.

In addition to trying to be present in these simple activities, books, and apps are also designed to help you become more mindful. What works well for one person may not work for others, so you may consider experimenting with different approaches and tools to find the best method for you. 

3. Doing activities you enjoy

Stress and overthinking can often go hand-in-hand. If we create opportunities for ourselves to reduce stress and enjoy the present moment, then the need or space to ruminate on other things may decrease. 

To try to stop overthinking, consider finding activities you like and carve out time for them daily. For instance, these could include any of the following: 

  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Painting
  • Drawing
  • Crafting
  • Gardening
  • Photography
  • Cooking
  • Writing
  • Hiking

While these are some popular examples, these are only a few ideas. As you try to decrease obsessive or negative thoughts, consider granting yourself the time and energy to look for things that interest you, and then try to incorporate more of those into your daily life. 

Overthinking can be difficult to combat

4. Yoga, tai chi, or other exercise

Getting physical exercise can be another great strategy, especially for those who find it challenging to get out of their heads. Below are a few exercises you may consider trying.

  • Yoga: This form of exercise can be a relaxing method that can help you cultivate mindfulness while it pushes the limits of your flexibility and strength, both inner and outer. Yoga is available for all ages and skill levels, so do not be intimidated by some of the intense exercises you may encounter on the internet or in your local gym. 
  • Tai Chi: If you feel too restless for meditation but unable to engage in strenuous activity, tai chi might be a good option. Tai chi is a martial art that focuses on achieving a state of calm and clarity. It involves focusing on your breath as you practice slow, intentional movements designed to improve your health and longevity. 
  • Running, Walking, Or Hiking In Nature: Running, hiking, and other outdoor exercises can help get you out of your head while also getting you out into nature, which has been shown to have many mental benefits, including reducing rumination. For instance, according to one study, individuals who went on a 90-minute walk in nature reported lower levels of rumination than those who walked through an urban environment. 
  • Swimming: Depending on your preferences, swimming can be a way to relax and cool down or an intense exercise. If you have a pool, consider setting aside some time to use it. In addition to the benefits of physical activity, you will also have a chance to experience and focus on the physical sensations of immersing your body in water.

Whatever exercise you choose can help you get out of your head and back into the body's senses. That said, if you have a medical condition or physical limitation, please consult with your medical provider before engaging in intense physical activities.

5. Taking a cold shower

Not all the methods that can prevent overthinking are exercises for which you need to set additional time aside. Something as simple as taking a cold shower may help as well. Like strenuous exercise, taking a cold shower provides a shock to your system that can take you away from your thoughts and bring you back into your physical body. Consider trying this out the next time you shower and examine the results. Did it help you to get out of your head, even if it was momentarily?

You can produce the same shock in similar situations. Instead of a cold shower, you could throw your blankets off in the morning and welcome them in the cool air, or you could go for a morning walk in a cool environment. Whatever it is that jolts you back into your body, if you find this method helpful, consider incorporating it more regularly.

How to get out of your head with cognitive behavioral therapy 

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a structured approach to mental health that focuses on identifying and changing unwanted or “negative” thought patterns. It can help you recognize irrational or unhelpful thoughts and behaviors that contribute to overthinking, anxiety, and being stuck in your head. 

Through CBT techniques, you can learn to challenge and replace these thoughts with more helpful and positive alternatives. This can improve mental health and reduce rumination when practiced over time. 

Methods like CBT are often best learned with the help of a therapist who can answer questions, provide advice, and guide you through the process. However, CBT self-help books can teach you techniques used in cognitive behavioral therapy or help you remember them between therapy sessions. 

How to get out of your head with dialectical behavior therapy 

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is another form of cognitive behavioral therapy. It emphasizes the importance of emotional regulation and mindfulness, teaching how these skills can increase your tolerance for distress and ground your mind in the present moment. 

DBT skills can help you manage overwhelming emotions and reduce potentially self-destructive behaviors like overthinking. Increasing your distress tolerance and bringing your mind into the present can make it easier to get out of your head when you catch yourself overthinking instead of feeling overwhelmed by your thoughts.

Much like CBT, it’s often best to learn DBT techniques alongside a therapist. However, there are self-help books that can teach you DBT skills or help you remember them between therapy sessions. 

Learn more about how to get out of your head in therapy

Figuring out how to stop overthinking can be challenging. Online therapy may be beneficial if you want additional help with this. 

If you often experience overthinking, you may find it helpful to reach out for help whenever those bouts of overthinking arise. With online therapy through BetterHelp, you’ll have many ways to contact your therapist, including in-app messaging. You can message your therapist anytime, and they’ll respond as soon as they can. 

What the research says about online therapy

Studies have shown that online therapy can effectively address various concerns, including overthinking and rumination that may be connected to depression. For instance, one such study examined the effectiveness of a guided web-based rumination-focused cognitive behavioral therapy program (i-RFCBT) to prevent depression. It found that the guided i-RFCBT reduced the risk of depression, concluding that “guided i-RFCBT can reduce the onset of depression in high-risk young people reporting high levels of worry/rumination and stress.”

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Breaking out of the cycle of overthinking can be challenging, but there are many strategies to try. If you are experiencing overthinking, you may consider meditating, practicing mindfulness, doing more activities you enjoy, exercising, or even taking a cold shower. For further help in trying to stop overthinking, you can connect with an online therapist.
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