Anger Management Strategies For Teenagers
Anger can be a normal emotion, but it is often crucial for everyone, including teenagers, to learn how to manage it in a way that’s both effective and healthy. A few anger management skills for teens can include being self-aware regarding the source of their anger, determining several potential solutions to the problem at hand, thinking before acting, engaging in creative or physical activities to express and relieve anger, learning calming exercises, employing distractions, and getting help from a therapist. If you are the parent of a teen who is experiencing anger issues, you may benefit from speaking to a therapist online so that you can determine how best to support your child. Here are some useful ideas and better ways to help an angry teenager.
Anger management strategies for teenagers
Determine the source of the anger
Teenagers may begin to show signs of an angry outburst at a moment's notice and may not take the time to recognize anger or consider the source of this emotion.
Helping them cultivate self-awareness can be the first step in a successful anger management strategy for teenagers.
When your teen begins to feel so angry that they have frequent emotional outbursts toward others or themselves, you might let them know that they need to ask themselves, what is making me so mad? Can I trace this anger to a specific moment, and if so, what is it? When you can identify what is making you angry, you are often better able to remedy the situation.
It can also be important to remember that a teenager experiencing anger attacks may be feeling this anger as a secondary emotion, masking others such as shame, grief, or guilt. If the cause of these negative emotions is not identified or resolved they can lead to further issues like verbal threats, physical violence, or substance use.
If you are struggling with substance use, contact the SAMHSA National Helpline at (800) 662-4357 to receive support and resources. Support is available 24/7.
Provide alternative means of expression
For some teenagers, anger management can be challenging, as their first instinct is usually to react in a way that causes emotional or physical damage or goes against the authority of their parent figure. To combat this, a teenager may need to know that they could also choose to take a more responsible route.
For example, rather than acting out, your teenager could sit down with you and talk about their own emotions and why they feel the way they do. Alternatively, if they do not like something you have done or said, they could choose to pursue a solution that allows them to get their emotions out in a healthier way so they can move on from the situation without so much anger.
Understand the cycle of emotions
Another thing that may help a teen with anger problems is understanding the anger cycle. This cycle is often expressed as a visual aid by therapists to identify how anger develops over 5 stages: trigger event, negative thoughts, emotional response, physical response, and behavioral response. By recognizing the signs of angry behavior from the start, they may be able to manage emotions that arise at the trigger event.
Think before taking action
Teenage anger is not typically accompanied by reason. Anger tends to be impulsive, and angry teens are often impulsive as well. The teenage brain may not consider the consequences of their actions when they act out, but the reality of the situation is that there can be consequences for every action, both good and bad. Uncontrolled anger issues in teens can lead to a number of negative outcomes.
Before your teenager decides on a solution to their problem, they may need to think about the consequences of each of their chosen solutions and consider what could happen if they follow through. How will the situation end? Will everyone in the scenario be happy with the resolution? Is it in their best interest to choose that solution, or will it only get them in trouble?
Having consequences for certain actions can be a great incentive to keep a teenager from acting out, and paired with the realization that each action has consequences, it may make it easier for them to realize the gravity of the situation. When they've had experience thinking before acting, teenagers may gain more experience implementing coping skills and expressing anger healthily and effectively.
Find creative coping techniques or physical outlets for anger
We often attribute some of the best works of art to artists who put their raw emotions into the piece. Anger can make for truly evocative pieces, and teenagers can channel their anger into something creative to better work through and process it.
Use creative coping strategies
For example, teens could express their anger by writing down their emotions in a journal or turning their anger into a story. They could also draw, paint, dance, write a song, or express themselves in countless other ways.
If you have a teenager who isn't very artistic but more physical, they may choose instead to express their anger either through team sports or through individual exercises. For example, running, hitting a punching bag, or engaging in other strenuous exercises can all be great ways to let go of pent-up aggression and release feel-good endorphins.
Remind them that their feelings are valid
While it can be important to express anger productively, it may also be important to learn how to manage anger and prevent it from becoming a problem. Many try to pursue suppression to keep their anger in check, but emotions may need to be acknowledged and expressed. It can be important that when it comes to anger, teens are not encouraged to ignore their feelings. Instead, you might let them know that it is okay to let their emotions out on their own until they calm down enough to go about their day without feeling the need to lash out at others.
Practice relaxation techniques
Likewise, you could equip them with relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises, meditation exercises, and other calming activities that may help them think more clearly. You could also let them know that they can vent to friends and family to express their anger healthily. There can be plenty of ways for teens to release and control their anger without taking it out on others.
Find distractions that are enjoyable and calming
It can be hard to feel angry when you are happy and enjoying yourself, and this can be a lesson that many teenagers can use to take a break from their anger and momentarily distract themselves. Whenever your teen feels angry or agitated about something, you might tell them to take some time to do something that brings a smile to their face and relaxes them.
Tyler Bennett, LPCC
Tyler was terrific with our family. We found him at a time when we felt like our teenage son wasn't the respectful, easy spirit he normally is. He was able to help us use better communication tools and feel like we were back in touch with our son.”
After they've finished their exercise, they may have forgotten about what angered them in the first place, indicating that it wasn't a big deal, to begin with. If anger is still on their mind, this may prove that the source of the anger needs to be addressed so they can move forward.
Anger management is generally about having tools to make emotions more manageable and less overwhelming. Along with some of these strategies that you can use at home, there may also be anger management groups that can give your teenager the chance to connect with peers having the same challenges. You could also allow them to call an anger management hotline if they feel that they want to handle their issues on their own rather than discussing them with family or friends.
Discuss anger management strategies for teenagers in online therapy
If your teenager frequently has angry outbursts, it can be stressful for you as a parent. Therapy can be a valuable tool in helping you learn to relieve your stress, but in some cases, you may find that traditional in-office therapy isn’t a convenient option for you. You may wish to consider online therapy, where you can connect with a mental health professional from the comfort of your home (or anywhere you have a stable internet connection) at a time that fits into your schedule.
The efficacy of online therapy for mental health concerns related to anger issues
According to this study, online therapy can be highly effective in treating the effects of stress and anxiety that teen anger may evoke. You may also speak to an online therapist for some coping skills for teens out there when it comes to dealing with their anger. If you believe therapy would be helpful for you, please don’t hesitate to reach out for the support you deserve.
It can be highly beneficial for teenagers to learn how to manage their angry feelings in a healthy way. Several anger management techniques can include:
Cultivating self-awareness in relation to the source of the anger
Identifying multiple potential solutions to the issue at hand
Thinking before taking action
Expressing themselves creatively
Engaging in physical activities to relieve anger
Learning calming exercises
Distracting themselves
Attending an anger management group
Calling an anger management hotline
Getting help from a mental health professional
It can be difficult for parents to know how to help their teenagers work through anger effectively. Speaking with an online therapist can be helpful in teaching you the best ways to support your teenager.
How do you manage your emotions and control anger?
While anger is a natural part of the human experience, cultivating greater insight into this powerful emotion may help you navigate this powerful emotion more skillfully. Managing anger is often about pausing for some deep breathing exercises before reacting. Some people find that counting each breath helps; others feel that noticing how each breath feels as it enters and exits the body works best. Once you allow your heart rate to return to normal and reset your frame of mind, you should be able to put your anger in a more productive place. There are many other ways to self-soothe and channel anger in productive ways. Some effective strategies for managing emotions and controlling anger include:
- Checking yourself and your anger level, which may tempt you to react quickly. Instead, stepping back until you regain control of your emotions may help you respond more calmly.
- Practicing mindfulness to gain more awareness of various emotional states and gain new skills in processing emotions. These skills may also help with building resilience and tolerating distressing emotions.
- Using physical exercise to release tension and reduce stress.
- Aiming to listen before reacting and avoid jumping to conclusions.
- Doing relaxation techniques, such as progressive muscle relaxation or visualizing a relaxing scene.
- Reframing how you think of a situation. For example, instead of saying, "This is the worst thing ever," you might say, "This is frustrating."
- Aiming to counter anger with logic.
- Considering the underlying causes of anger.
- Avoiding "all-or-nothing" thinking.
What are the best anger management strategies for teenagers?
There are many helpful anger management strategies that can enable teenagers to manage mood swings and cope with challenging emotions. Some helpful suggestions include:
- Encourage them to speak with a trusted person, such as a trusted friend or family member, about their emotional lives.
- Teach or point them to healthy coping skills, such as deep breathing exercises and mindfulness, which may help with self-control and the tendency to react quickly to stressors.
- Encourage an angry teenager to express intense feelings through creative outlets, such as journaling, painting, music, and/or theater.
- Encourage physical exercise to release tension.
- Suggest thinking before acting on angry feelings and aiming to find multiple possible solutions to problems.
- Encourage self-care, which can help build a strong foundation for navigating life's challenges.
- Urge them to limit social media exposure and scrolling, which may negatively affect mental health.
You may also support a teenager by encouraging them to speak with a mental health provider or teen counselor, especially if you notice red flags indicating signs of disordered eating or substance misuse (sometimes called "substance abuse").
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has long been touted as the "gold standard" for managing a long list of mental health problems, including anger. It's also appropriate for all ages— including kids and teens. CBT may help teens and younger children identify and understand their triggers, learn coping skills to control anger at the moment, reframe their thoughts, and imagine alternative possibilities to deal with anger. Often, changing the way we think can neutralize difficult emotions (in this case, anger) and allow us to change our behavior.
What are the most effective coping strategies for anger?
It's normal to feel angry, but finding healthy ways to manage and express that anger is essential. What works can vary from person to person, so it might be helpful to try different strategies and see which ones work best for you. Commonly effective anger coping strategies include:
- Deep Breathing— Deep breathing exercises can calm your body's physiological response to anger. Count to ten as you breathe for an even bigger time-out.
- Physical Activity— Exercise can help release built-up tension and stress. Try going for a walk, hitting the gym, or practicing yoga.
- Express Yourself—Talking to a friend or writing in a journal can be excellent options for healthy self-expression and an alternative perspective.
- Relaxation Techniques— Meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, or visualization can help reduce anger.
- Identify Triggers— Understand what situations or thoughts trigger your anger so you might better manage or avoid them.
- Take A Time Out— If you feel overwhelmed by anger, step away from the situation until you feel calmer.
- Problem Solving— Identify the problem causing your anger and brainstorm possible solutions.
- Use Humor— Sometimes, humor can diffuse a tense situation. It's essential to use this approach sensitively, though.
- Seek Professional Help— If anger becomes challenging to control and significantly impacts your life, consider seeking help from a therapist or counselor who offers guidance on coping mechanisms and healthy anger management skills.
- Avoid passive aggression and aim to express anger in an assertive yet respectful manner.
How do I alleviate anger issues?
Aside from the above strategies, keeping anger in check often begins with understanding it. Therapeutic techniques like CBT performed by an anger management counselor or therapist can help you uncover the underlying reasons for your anger and how it arises so you may control it in the future.
What are the five keys to anger management?
While it may take more at times, it is possible to handle anger in five steps:
- Recognize that you're feeling angry without self-judgment.
- Understand that no one can control your anger but you.
- Notice how the physical symptoms of anger feel in your body.
- Connect your feelings to what you're thinking at the moment.
- Now that you're in control, express yourself appropriately.
Why do I get angry so easily?
Anger is a normal emotion, but if your anger is persistent and severe, it may indicate a more significant issue than an emotional reaction to something irritating. For example, anger can stem from underlying anxiety and stress, pressure (from others, society, or yourself), depression or feelings of helplessness, an ongoing condition like oppression or ancestral trauma, or a physiological condition.
Is it OK to get angry easily?
When it's controllable, anger is a normal, healthy emotion. In this context, it's OK to feel anger. But in excess, it can create serious problems in one's daily life.
Why are teenagers so angry?
Teen anger is often caused by hormonal changes in a teen's nervous system that affect mood (estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone in teen girls and testosterone in boys)— but it can also stem from deeper issues like toxic stress or problems with self-esteem.
If the problem is severe, anger management for teens is essential. When teens are unable to cope with overwhelming emotions, they may be more susceptible to destructive behaviors and self-harm. An adolescent mental health services counselor can help support young people in uncovering the roots of anger and processing it healthily.
Are teenage anger issues signs of a mental health condition?
Anger is not a mental illness and, as such, has no formal diagnostic criteria or designated treatment method. However, if anger is excessive and difficult to control, it can be a symptom of a mental health disorder such as depression, anxiety, or personality disorder.
What is the root of anger?
Root causes of anger often include other emotions such as frustration, fear, and pain. When emotions such as these become overwhelming and unmanageable, they can contribute to a mental health problem if unaddressed.
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