Dating Someone With Anxiety

Medically reviewed by April Justice, LICSW
Updated July 25, 2024by BetterHelp Editorial Team

While some anxiety is common for most people, anxiety disorders can make it difficult to function and live a normal life. Anxiety can create more stress in intimate relationships, too. When dating someone with anxiety, you may have experienced those difficulties firsthand, but there are many things you can do to help your partner. First, it can be important to note that this might involve working with a mental health professional. Many people successfully manage their anxiety with professional help, so a therapist may be able to help you navigate this process, too. Additionally, showing that you're supportive of your partner will likely help them immensely on their journey to improved mental health.

Living with an anxiety disorder

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, various types of anxiety disorders may affect 40 million adults in the United States alone, likely making it the country's most common mental illness. 

If you've never experienced severe anxiety, it can be difficult to imagine what it's like living with it. There are common symptoms (like shortness of breath and a sense of dread) and several types (e.g., social anxiety), yet how they manifest is typically different from person to person. Anxiety is also a common comorbid disorder with other mental health conditions such as bipolar disorder or depression, each of which present their own unique challenges. Some of these symptoms may not be pleasant to be around, but please know that the behaviors that accompany anxiety typically say little about the person on the receiving end and are more a reflection of the anxious person's fears and worries.

Caring for someone with anxiety can be challenging

In short, having an anxiety disorder can be mentally, physically, and emotionally draining. With this in mind, how can we begin to effectively show love to someone who is experiencing something as challenging as living with anxiety?

Offering support for anxiety disorders

Below, find several tips to help you support someone with anxiety disorder.

Educate yourself

In general, anxiety is a real mental illness that deserves attention and acknowledgment. You might read up on anxiety and ask your partner what anxiety means for them and what they wish people knew about it. It may show them that you care, simply because you asked. Other helpful questions might include, "What triggers your anxiety?" and "How do you manage panic attacks?" This can help you understand what their anxiety is like when it gets particularly bad for them and what you can do to help.

Do not judge, criticize, or minimize your partner’s anxiety 

To avoid merging your partner with their illness, it can be important to remember that anxiety is not typically a weakness or a chosen way of being. People with anxiety usually wish to be seen as more than their illness. They're likely aware of the impact they have on others, and that can be difficult in itself. Saying things like, "Chill out," or "You're overreacting," may only increase their pain and make them feel more isolated.
Listen to them and validate their feelings
When possible, it often helps to be completely present for their anxious thoughts and feelings, acknowledging that they're valid and they matter. You might talk about what they're going through with an open mind and let them know that you don’t have any expectations for them to “fix” anything. At the end of the talk, it’s usually helpful to let them know they're accepted and loved as they are with a hug or a simple "I love you, and I'm here for you."
Keep in mind that it's generally not about you
In moments of frustration, it can be easy to make "you" statements, such as "You are irrational," or "You are always disappointing me." This can fuel an argument, stir up unhealthy defense mechanisms, and make the problem about the person instead of the mental illness. In reality, your partner’s behavior may rarely be personal. It’s often beneficial to take a step back so you can be calm and compassionate. Responses like, "What you're going through sounds hard. Do you want to talk about it?" or "Is there something I can do to reassure you?" tend to be much more helpful, potentially allowing you to refocus the conversation on the problem and not the person.
Celebrate the small victories
For a person living with an anxiety disorder, completing small tasks sometimes feels like conquering a mountain. Don't forget to celebrate their milestones, no matter how little, such as having the courage to answer the phone or attend a social event with you. By celebrating what they can do, you may divert attention away from what they can't do and potentially motivate them to continue taking consistent steps forward in their recovery.
Invite them to do self-care activities with you

If you have a self-care ritual that you like to do, or if you're thinking of starting one, you might ask them to join you. Options could include yoga, breathing exercises, or taking long walks in the mornings and evenings. Not only may this solidify your relationship and create deeper intimacy, but it can also help to ease and reduce their anxiety.

Ask them helpful questions and reinforce positive affirmations

If you know someone with anxiety, it’s often helpful to ask them, "What can I do to make you feel loved right now?" When they're having an anxiety attack, instead of repeatedly asking, "Are you okay?" when they're clearly not, you can say helpful things like, "Focus on your breathing," or "You've been through this before, and you can do it again". Try to remember to ask yourself if what you are saying or doing is ultimately helpful, kind, and necessary.

Remind them that you're in this together
It will likely mean a lot to them to know that you're there to support them. It can be discouraging to think you must endure a mental illness alone. Using "we" statements may remind them that they don't have to do it by themselves. "We can get through this together," and "We will figure out what to do next," may be examples of positive and effective reinforcements of togetherness.
Take care of your own mental health, too
Loving a person with anxiety can be emotionally and physically depleting, so it can be vital not to neglect yourself and your well-being in the process. This may mean setting boundaries where appropriate. For example, you might be careful not to allow any threats or insults, and try to make sure you have a life separate from your partner. Having your own set of friends can be a key ingredient in any healthy relationship. Codependency, especially when one partner has a mental illness, can lead to resentment and bitterness, which may further weaken and erode the relationship.

Caring for someone with anxiety can be challenging

Loving someone with anxiety: Seeking help

When you love, know, or are dating someone with anxiety, being that person by their side who is willing to help can be comforting, life-affirming, and encouraging for the person. 

Anxiety is highly treatable, especially when people who are going through it reach out for professional help. You might gently encourage your partner to seek help from a third person who can support and guide them. As valuable as your help may be, you shouldn't have to be their therapist or their entire support system. 

The symptoms of anxiety may make it difficult to seek help, however. Factors like scheduling, convenience, and financial concerns can be deterrents. Some people experiencing anxiety may feel anxious or uncomfortable waiting in an office around other people or seeing a therapist in person.

Many of these barriers can be overcome by speaking to mental health professionals online. With online therapy, you generally don’t have to encounter the potential added stress of driving to an office, dealing with traffic, or facing scheduling restrictions. 

Studies show that online therapy platforms can be useful in helping those who experience anxiety manage their symptoms. A study published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry concluded that therapist-guided online therapy can be an effective method of treating anxiety. Researchers specifically utilized cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), finding that it could significantly decrease participants’ feelings of worry related to generalized anxiety disorder. 

The licensed professionals at BetterHelp or Regain (for couples therapy) likely know how to help you and your partner navigate difficult challenges related to anxiety so that you can both live with less stress. An online therapist may offer valuable coping skills for managing the emotional and physical symptoms of anxiety. Read below for some reviews of BetterHelp therapists from people experiencing similar concerns.

Counselor reviews

"Jennifer has helped me learn how to manage my anxiety so that I can enjoy life the way I used to. She always makes time when my schedule doesn't line up with hers. And she never makes me feel like I'm a burden to her."

"She came at the perfect time in my life. I was in a tough place but most importantly I didn't know what my issues were or how to address them. But the insight and compassion and kindness that Merissa gave me was so powerful:) I will live everyday thinking of what she taught me about myself and my anxiety. Thank you, Merissa!"


If a person you care about lives with an anxiety disorder, there are many ways that you can act as a supportive partner:

  • Educate yourself
  • Don’t judge, criticize, or minimize their anxiety
  • Listen to them, communicate openly, and validate what they’re experiencing when they’re feeling anxious
  • Remember their anxiety symptoms are generally not about you
  • Celebrate the small victories, such as changes in negative thoughts
  • Practice self-care activities and coping strategies with them
  • Ask them helpful questions and reinforce positive affirmations
  • Remind them that you’re in this together
  • Take care of yourself
  • Consider seeking professional help

You may find that your love and support can enable your loved one to take steps toward improved mental health and decreased anxiety symptoms. It may also help them to seek help through individual therapy, whether in person or online.

Also, as a loved one of someone with anxiety, you may benefit from caring for your own mental health through therapy. With BetterHelp, you can be matched with a therapist who has experience helping people who have loved ones living with anxiety. Take the first step toward understanding anxiety and getting support, and contact BetterHelp today. 

Regulate anxiety in a compassionate environment
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