Understanding The Antecedent Behavior Consequence Model

Medically reviewed by April Justice, LICSW
Updated October 8, 2024by BetterHelp Editorial Team
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The antecedent behavior consequence (ABC) model is a tool that may help individuals examine a behavior to better understand its key components, including the event or activity that precedes it and the consequences that follow. 

By gaining this information, one may attempt to decrease the likelihood of engaging in unwanted behavior. In addition, the model can act as a point of inspiration for formulating a new plan of action. To learn more about how behavior works, it may be helpful to review the advantages and limitations of this model and how you might use it to make changes in your life.

Learning to understand and change behavior can be hard

What is the ABC model?

In the ABC model, each letter stands for a critical component of a particular behavior, including the following principles: 

  • Antecedent 
  • Behavior 
  • Consequence

Defining the antecedent behavior consequence model

Below are outlines of each component and examples of how the ABC model might be used in psychology. 

  • Antecedent: The antecedent, which means "coming before," can be any event or environmental factor that occurs before a behavior, prompting that behavior. Examples may include exposure to certain activities, people, times of day, topics of conversation, or locations. Gathering this information can help you understand what may be prompting the behavior, which can be helpful if you want to make a change. 

  • Behavior: Behavior is a word to describe one's actions and repeated habits. In this model, it is an action one tries to understand and potentially change. Examples of such behaviors could be screaming, using unhealthy substances, ignoring one's emotions, or buying items online to cope with stress. 

  • Consequence: The "consequence" is an event or symptom that occurs after the behavior in response to that behavior. For example, if yelling is the behavior, the consequence might be that their partner leaves the room. This consequence may reinforce a behavior or modify it.  
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Use cases for the ABC model in applied behavior analysis

The ABC model—a part of behavior modification psychology—is commonly used to modify student behavior in school settings. 

Changes to antecedents and consequences in a classroom may modify a child's behavior. For example, if a child struggles to participate in a class (behavior), teachers and parents may modify the antecedents and consequences slightly to make a difference. If the teacher realizes that a child participates more when they are reminded to raise their hand to answer a question (antecedent) and that the student responds well to praise (consequence), the teacher may more frequently encourage students to raise their hands (altered antecedent), while offering ample positive feedback after a student answers the question (altered consequence).

In adulthood and other settings, the same concepts can apply. For example, perhaps an individual wants to stop eating chips after dinner (behavior). In examining their behavior, they might notice that the easiest snack to reach in the cupboard every night is the chips (antecedent). They might try to remove the chips from the cupboard to alter their behavior and replace them with a healthier option (altered antecedent). A person can also adjust consequences by adding certain rewards or coordinating with others to receive positive feedback. 

Advantages and limitations of the ABC model

The ABC model is just one theory of behavioral psychology. Some people support this model, while others may prefer another option. Below are a few advantages and limitations to consider. 


Some people may find the ABC model a simple tool to offer insight into otherwise confusing behaviors. In addition, it can be used in various settings and situations. You can try using it to evaluate your behavior and attempt a change or to understand someone else's behavior. Additionally, the ABC model can assist professionals when creating a hypothesis for why a problematic behavior occurs and how to correct or change it.


One disadvantage of the ABC model may be that it can take time, patience, and trial and error. Occasionally, patterns in antecedents and consequences can be unclear or could lead you to draw an incorrect conclusion. While the ABC model can offer insight into a wide range of behaviors, sometimes behavior is too complicated to assess on your own. In this case, it can be beneficial to consult with a professional. An expert may also be able to analyze the ABC charts you've created and identify a pattern. 

The ABC model may also not apply to every situation. Although behavioral modification can be helpful for some people, those with complex traumatic pasts may struggle to respond well to behavioral modification, as other factors can go into their behavior, such as long-term beliefs caused by trauma or a lack of validation and support. Controlling the nervous system before applying behavioral methods may be most effective in these cases. 

Other ways to make behavioral changes 

Changing how you act can be difficult if you've been engaging in certain behaviors for a prolonged period. Below are other ways to make the behavioral change process straightforward. 

Understand that change can take time

It can be natural to want change to happen immediately when struggling with a behavioral pattern. 

However, try to recognize that change is a process that often requires time, effort, and willpower. If you make a mistake or slip up, don't give up. Instead, offer yourself the grace to keep trying. 

If it helps, consider how long it might take to learn a new skill like an instrument or a language. Learning a new behavior is also a process; you might not be perfect initially.

Give yourself positive consequences

Using the ABC model as a guide, you might consider incorporating clear "consequences" that motivate you to change a particular behavior. These could be positive consequences or rewards for completing a positive behavior or healthy negative consequences for completing an unwanted behavior. 

For example, you could try a sticker chart to motivate yourself. Although these tools are often used for children, adults can also use them. After you get a certain number of stickers for practicing a desired behavior, you can reward yourself with something that motivates you. If you practice an undesired behavior, you can remove one of the stickers toward your goal. You could also make it so you only gain a reward if you practice the desired behavior every day of the week or for a certain amount of time. 

Learning to understand and change behavior can be hard

Consider counseling for additional support

If you are trying to change unwanted behaviors or incorporate new positive behaviors and want additional support, consider seeking the assistance of a mental health professional. If incorporating a new tool into your life is difficult, you can also try online therapy through a platform like BetterHelp.

For some individuals, online therapy can be more convenient, as it can occur wherever they have an internet connection, potentially reducing the need to travel to and from an office or find parking. In addition, clients can choose between phone, video, or live chat sessions and have extra resources like online support groups for various topics, including behavior. 

A common type of therapy that can be used to try to change thoughts and behaviors is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Research into online therapy has demonstrated its effectiveness for a range of mental illnesses and symptoms, and a significant body of research shows the effectiveness of online CBT (ICBT). For example, one study conducted an extensive literature review and concluded that ICBT could be effective in treating medical illnesses with psychiatric comorbidities and improving mental health


Whether you're looking to decrease unwanted behaviors or develop positive new ones, the ABC model may help you better understand the components of your behaviors and determine how to change them. You can try the technique using the tips above or consider contacting a therapist for further guidance or support.
Target disruptive behavior in therapy
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