What “Stress Fat” Is And How To Lose It

Medically reviewed by Karen Foster, LPC
Updated July 21st, 2024 by BetterHelp Editorial Team

Experts have identified that there is a connection between psychological stress and physical effects. Physical symptoms of stress, however, may vary from person to person What manifests as a prominent symptom in one person may not appear at all for another.  

For some people, chronic stress does not affect their eating habits or weight. Others may lose weight, and other people may gain weight that they find difficult to lose. The accumulation of extra weight due to stress-related changes in the body is often nicknamed "stress fat."  

Below, we’ll discuss the mechanisms in the body that cause a buildup of “stress fat,” the types of stress that may cause weight gain, and methods that may help you manage stress fat, such as eating habits, lifestyle changes, and stress management. 

Stress negatively impacts more than just body weight

Stress vs. chronic stress 

When we experience a situation that the mind determines is a threat, the stress response is initiated in the brain, releasing hormones that signal to the rest of the body. The body interprets these signals and responds accordingly to either fight, flight, or freeze. As a result, our heart rate may increase, routing blood flow away from the internal organs toward the muscles. The breath may become quicker and shallower. This process may also cause the release of messenger molecules into the body that can, directly and indirectly, contribute to how it uses and stores energy.  

When stress becomes chronic––meaning that it occurs regularly or constantly––it can cause serious health problems as a result of the stress response being engaged so frequently. This has the potential to cause unhealthy weight gain, heart disease, high blood pressure, circulatory issues, and other complications. 

Many people experience chronic stress due to pressures at work, school, or in relationships. For some, chronic stress may also be increased or exacerbated due to anxiety and/or depressive disorders. People with these disorders may have an elevated stress response to many things. They may also experience a stress response so extreme that it results in episodes of extreme chest pain, difficulty breathing, gastrointestinal distress, and more, which could further increase stress in a frustrating cycle.  

How chronic stress causes stress fat: Messenger molecules 

There are a number of chemicals involved in the stress response, but cortisol and leptin are two of the most important. They appear to have a significant bi-directional connection with each other and the stress response to influence how we eat and metabolize food.  

Cortisol levels affect the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. This chemical reaction triggered by the stress hormone creates an energy surge in the body, aiding our fight-or-flight response when faced with a threatening situation. When that energy surge is due to stressors that do not require us to fight or flee (like daily stress), we do not need to expend the energy to react to that threat. Nonetheless, the appetite still increases to power the response, and it’s usually for sweet, salty, and fatty foods. 

Leptin is released by fat cells in the body to signal satiety (feeling full) and lets the body know it no longer requires extra nutrients for energy, thus maintaining your normal body weight. As the level of body fat increases with time, so do leptin levels, and vice versa. When leptin levels are elevated, it can reduce the body’s sensitivity to it, causing leptin resistance. The resistance causes increased levels of leptin to be released into the body, decreasing its ability to signal satiety and causing us to eat more. 

Lifestyle changes to reduce stress fat 

For some, stress management and weight loss or weight management go hand in hand. For example, not only do balanced eating patterns often help control weight and limit excess weight gain, but research suggests that nutrient-dense foods may also help control the chemicals in the body that modify our stress response. The same principle appears to be true for regular exercise and a healthy sleep schedule.  

Making multiple long-term changes in habits and behavior may seem like an insurmountable task, but it is possible with effort, time, support, and a solid plan.  

Eat nutrient-dense foods often 

Our body naturally requires us to consume foods containing a variety of vitamins and nutrients for good health, including those with fats, sugars, and carbohydrates. That said, there is a profound difference between the foods that contain the fats, sugars, and carbs that contribute to unhealthy weight gain and those that do not.  

Studies indicate that processed foods and foods made with refined sugars, saturated fats, and processed flour likely significantly contribute to weight gain. Examples include chips and snack crackers, soft drinks, frozen meals, and fast food.  For many Americans, these are the foods that make up most of our meals, and they are also the foods that contain the least nutritional value.  

In contrast, there are whole foods found in nature that contain the fats, sugars, and carbs our bodies need in the form and quantities that we can use nutritionally. For example- avocadoes, seeds and nuts, and fatty fishes are healthy sources of protein for many people. Fruits and sweeter vegetables like sweet potatoes and carrots contain complex sugars our bodies need. Legumes, whole grains, oats, and beans are sources of the natural carbohydrates our bodies need for energy. While you should consult a nutritionist before making significant changes to your eating habits, incorporating nutrient-dense foods as often as possible is usually a helpful approach. 

Plan ahead 

Not only does stress affect the chemistry in the body to influence what we crave, but it may also affect when and how we eat. Stress often accompanies a hectic schedule and vice versa. When our calendar is so booked that we do not have time to prepare nourishing meals, we may resort to take-out, delivery, and the drive-through. Not only is restaurant food typically less nutritious than home-cooked meals, but fast, on-the-go eating has connections with metabolic syndrome, a condition “correlated with greater weight gain, higher blood sugar, higher levels of low-density lipoprotein, or “bad,” cholesterol, and a larger waistline.” 

One way to avoid resorting to unhealthy eating in a rush is to try to prepare bulk meals in advance and reheat them when you need them. Keeping easy, portable, healthy snacks to toss in your bag when you get hungry on the road may also help you resist the temptation to hit the drive-through or get gas station junk food.  

Stress negatively impacts more than just body weight

Increase activity 

The body's rewards system can be used to encourage physical activity, just like it can be used to encourage nutrient-focused eating. The same reward system that encourages you to eat fats and sugars encourages you to exercise by releasing feel-good chemicals like dopamine and a class of chemicals called endorphins. These can help to boost your mood in the short term and control it in the long term. 

Keep in mind as well that not only will physical activity typically help you shed excess fat, but it also helps balance and control leptin and cortisone, the messenger molecules that can sabotage the metabolism when unbalanced. Remember leptin, the messenger molecule that your body is flooded with when you have too much body fat? Losing body fat can reduce your leptin levels to the point that your body can interact with it again to help reduce your cravings. Exercise, especially if you get it outside, can also help you to maintain a healthy sleep schedule. 

Keep a healthy sleep schedule 

Just like nutritious foods and regular physical activity, healthy sleep habits have a significant relationship with both stress and obesity, and this relationship too is chemical. Insufficient sleep causes a hormone imbalance that promotes overeating and increases cortisol, increasing anxiety and affecting weight gain.   

Keeping a regular sleep schedule by going to bed and waking at the same time every day is a good start, as is adopting a healthy bedtime routine, avoiding caffeine at least five hours before bedtime, and reading a book or stretching instead of looking at a screen before sleep. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides more tips on keeping a healthy sleep schedule.  

Manage your stress  

One of the primary ways to avoid gaining stress fat is to effectively manage your stress levels. In addition to potentially contributing to weight gain, unaddressed stress can lead to physical problems in various systems in the body. Unmanaged stress can also progress into more serious mental health challenges such as anxiety disorders, depression, and others.  

There are many different techniques that may help you manage stress. Some examples include: 

  • Cultivating a meditation practice 

  • Setting boundaries 

  • Forging strong social connections 

  • Regularly engaging in hobbies or activities you enjoy 

  • Spending regular time in nature 

  • Reducing social media use 

Seeking professional guidance  

Before changing your eating patterns or beginning an exercise program, it’s best to consult your primary care physician for a physical examination. Next, it may also be useful to meet with a mental health care provider like a therapist to support you in finding ways to reduce stress and build healthy habits. They can help you identify the factors in your life that cause the most stress and develop effective coping mechanisms to address them as they arise.  

If you’re interested in meeting with a therapist in person, you can ask your doctor for a referral, contact your insurance company for a list of covered providers, or do an internet search for therapy offices nearby. However, many people encounter barriers when seeking help from a traditional local therapist. Not only can it be difficult to make appointments and commuting fit into your busy schedule––which may be one of the causes of your stress to begin with––but many therapists don’t take insurance and have high out-of-pocket rates, making therapy unaffordable for many.  

Online therapy is a popular solution to these obstacles, and since its rise in popularity, multiple research studies have suggested that it can be as effective as traditional therapy for treating a wide range of mental health disorders and the effects of stress. For example, a study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research surveyed 264 employed people 18 years and older reporting high levels of workplace stress. The findings indicated that “Web- and mobile-based intervention has proven effective in reducing stress in employees in the long term. Internet-based stress management interventions should be further pursued as a valuable alternative to face-to-face interventions.” 

If you’re interested in pursuing online therapy for stress, you might consider exploring a platform like BetterHelp. It can match you with a licensed mental health professional who you can meet with from anywhere with an internet connection, and all for a fee that’s comparable to most insurance copays. 


Stress is a natural response in the human body that helps us manage threats. However, when excessively engaged, this response can lead to a number of physical health challenges, including the unhealthy accumulation of significant excess fat, sometimes referred to as “stress fat”. Reducing stress and cultivating healthy lifestyle habits may help you avoid or reduce this effect and promote better health overall. 
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