Finding the Best OCD Therapist Near Me For Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Treatment
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition characterized by patterns of obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors, which are often distressing for the individual experiencing them. Around 1% of the world population is estimated to have OCD, but various treatments are available. If you're looking to find a therapist who can help address your OCD symptoms, getting familiar with the most effective types of therapeutic treatment for OCD and how to find a therapist who is convenient for you to meet with can be beneficial.
What is obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)?
There are many false myths and stereotypes about OCD showcased in the media. and perpetuated in popular culture. That’s why it’s important to understand that OCD is a serious mental illness. It is considered an anxiety disorder, and it isnot simply a clean, organized, or hyper-focused personality type.
Types of obsessions and compulsions in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) treatment
- Contamination fears and compulsions
- Organizational fears and compulsions
- Harm fears and compulsions
- Intrusive thoughts (severely distressing and unwanted images or ideas)
- Rumination
- Checking behaviors, including reassurance seeking
- Inappropriately aggressive or sexual thoughts
- Fears regarding morality, values, and lawful behavior
- Fears regarding self-control
Not everyone with OCD experiences all types of compulsions; their thoughts, anxieties, and behaviors may vary widely. For example, one person living with the condition may compulsively check their door's locks multiple times each night, whereas another might avoid certain situations due to intrusive thoughts about harm. Although the themes of OCD can vary, the general pattern of obsessive thoughts and compulsive rituals is present across all clinical cases. It’s important to consult a therapist if you feel like you might be having symptoms of OCD. Therapists can help you find ways to manage obsessions and compulsions through targeted therapy sessions. There are many different types of therapy, and a licensed therapist can help you choose the right therapy for your needs.
OCD compulsions
The thoughts that a person with OCD has are often unwanted and distressing and may even involve explicit themes. The thoughts may go against the person's values, which can cause them to worry that because they are experiencing the thoughts, they believe in them or want to enact them in real life.
- Checking
- Washing
- Skin picking
- Counting
- Organizing
- Repeating mantras
- Seeking reassurance
- Avoidance
Regardless of the content of the thoughts, those living with OCD may spend their time and energy controlling or trying to eliminate them. Those with OCD may also recognize that their urges are not logical, and they may feel shame about them or begin to show signs of depression. The cycle of OCD can be detrimental to the individual's mental health and may also impact their relationships (which is especially common with subtypes like ROCD), work, and other aspects of their life.
If you haven't been diagnosed with OCD but feel that the key symptoms of this anxiety disordermatch your experiences, consider contacting a mental health professional like a therapist to confirm your OCD diagnosis through testing, and/or interviewing. Note, however, that you do not need any kind of OCD or other diagnosis to reach out for support from a therapist. Therapy can be beneficial for anyone, with or without any anxiety disorder, depression, ormental health condition anyone can consult a therapist and have their first therapy session. A therapist can even support individuals who just want an active listening ear or sounding soundboard for their challenges.
OCD and other conditions
There is also a link between OCD and eating disorders as well as body dysmorphic disorder. People experiencing these types of disorders may exhibit symptoms of OCD in how they prepare food, look at their body, or even in the act of eating itself. For example, a person may have a compulsion to only eat a certain number of mouthfuls of food, which could lead to undereating. It can be important to address other mental health conditions associated with OCD through a therapy session with a licensed therapist.
How is obsessive compulsive disorder or OCD treated?
Just a few decades ago, OCD was considered untreatable. However, there are now several effective treatment options used by licensed therapists available for this condition. Certain forms of therapy are usually the first line of treatment for this anxiety disorder—particularly cognitive behavioral therapy or exposure and response prevention therapy. It’s important to seek help from a therapist if you feel like the symptoms of OCD are becoming overwhelming. Licensed therapists can provide you with a plan to help you with the treatment of OCD.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
There are various forms of treatment for OCD.One widely recognized treatment for OCD is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which is also used to treat depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a form of talk therapy designed to challenge a client's unwanted or distorted thought patterns and shift them toward more constructive or positive ones. Learning to recognize such thoughts is usually the first step, which may be helped through certain mindfulness-based practices. Below are some of the benefits of CBT for OCD:
- Cognitive behavioral therapy can help with identifying irrational thoughts that are present in someone who has OCD.
- Cognitive behavioral therapy can teach individuals how to tolerate feelings of discomfort and anxiety which can result in urges in OCD.
- Cognitive behavioral therapy can help people with OCD learn how to respond to their obsessions and compulsions.
- Cognitive behavioral therapy can guide those with OCD on ways to resist acting on their compulsions.
Note that CBT can also be delivered in support groups run by professionals who are trained to provide this type of treatment. According to the International OCD Foundation, support groups can be effective at treating OCD, but they are not a replacement for individual therapy.
Exposure and response prevention therapy (ERP)
Exposure and response prevention (ERP), also sometimes referred to as exposure and ritual prevention (EXRP), is a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy commonly used to treat OCD. The premise of exposure and response prevention or ERP therapy is that by subjecting the client to triggers of their anxious thoughts and helping them resist the urge to perform their compulsions; they may become desensitized to them over time. Exposure can be done in two ways:
- Exposure In vivo: This method of exposure response preventionfor treating OCD that is commonly used by therapists involves physically confronting the causes of obsessive thoughts. For instance, touching a public object and abstaining from hand-washing could reduce the fear of germs over time.
- Imaginal exposure: In imaginal exposure, another method for OCD management commonly utilized by therapists, the client imagines the distressing obsessions and their perceived consequences. This technique might be used for explicit situations that cannot be practiced or faced in person ethically, such as the themes of intrusive thoughts.
Before you begin exposure and response prevention therapy, your therapist may ask you to rate each of your fears surrounding not partaking in compulsions or facing your intrusive thoughts on a scale of zero to 100. They may then start with exposure to the lowest fears and move up over time. Using a graded worksheet in therapy, the therapist can then ask you to measure your stress levels during exposure therapy. When your anxiety levels go down, it can show that you are progressing.
The effectiveness of CBT and ERP for OCD treatment
How effective are cognitive behavioral therapy and ERP for OCD? Cognitive-behavioral therapy and exposure and response prevention therapy are currently the most effective methods for treating OCD, which is supported by empirical evidence. One recent study suggests that over 50% of individuals experience reduced symptoms of OCD or even remission after engaging in ERP. However, this modality may not be an effective way to treat OCD for everyone who experiences it, and a degree of willingness to partake in a challenging type of therapy like this also usually needs to be present for best results.
How to find the best OCD therapist near me
There are a few ways to find a therapist who has expertise in working with individuals experiencing OCD. One way to find a therapist is to search online for " OCD therapists near me.” Or, you can contact your insurance company if applicable and ask for a list of providers and therapists in or near your zip code who are in the network. Once you find providers and therapists within a commutable distance, you can call and ask these therapists if they're accepting new patients for OCD treatment and what their rates are. You can also look into the provider’s credentials and any reviews you may be able to find to help you make your decision. If you find someone who seems like a good fit and suits your therapy needs, you can schedule a session.
If you do not have insurance, are having trouble finding therapy options in your area, are unable to find a suitable therapist in person, or would simply prefer to engage in therapy for treating OCD from home, you might also consider online therapy for OCD.
Benefits of finding the best OCD therapist near me practicing CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy online
One study on internet-based cognitive-behavioral therapy for OCD suggests that this treatment can be even more practical and cost-effective than face-to-face options for treating obsessive-compulsive disorder. In addition, internet-based programs with licensed therapists are often more flexible, as you can meet with the therapist from home or somewhere else with an internet connection and potentially choose meeting times outside of standard business hours.
Through an online therapy platform like BetterHelp, you can get matched with a licensed therapist who you can meet with via phone, video call, and/or in-app messaging.
Can Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) go away on its own?
No. Symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder may come and go, so you may feel like you are cured. However, OCD is considered a lifelong condition influenced by many factorsthat requires ongoing treatment with a therapist. It can affect children, adolescents, and adults. It can be important to consult a licensed therapist if you feel like you have OCD symptoms. It’s possible for symptoms to disappear for several months and then resurface.
Should I seek out professional mental health help for OCD and anxiety treatment?
Yes. OCD and anxiety affect daily life and are highly treatable with the help of a therapist. There’s no reason not to seek support from mental health professionals and therapists if you or a family member has symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. On the other hand, if you have other mental health conditions that may be associated with or trigger OCD symptoms, it can still be important to get it treated by a therapist through therapy.
Should I seek out professional counseling and treatment for OCD?
Yes. An OCD specialist or therapist can develop a treatment plan that can help you manage the symptoms of this disorder. A therapist can help you address and challenge irrational thoughts, as well as reduce harmful behaviors and develop coping strategies and stress management techniques. There’s nothing bad about seeking help from a licensed therapist. Mental health professionals and therapists are equipped with the right knowledge about therapy and other types of treatment.
Can OCD anxiety be treated without medication, only cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and other therapies?
Yes. While some OCD providers and therapists may prescribe medication, like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or tricyclic antidepressants, there are other effective treatment methods to manage the anxiety, depression, and other negative feelings caused by obsessive-compulsive disorder, such as cognitive behavior therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, family therapy, and exposure and response prevention. These various types of therapy used by licensed therapists are often a good addition to medication for OCD. An effective therapist can provide you with the right therapy and treatment plan for your needs.
What type of therapist is best for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?
The right therapist will have the proper training to administer therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder, such as effective ERP treatment, or exposure and response prevention. The effective therapists will also be up to date on the latest research on evidence-based treatments and therapy for OCD and other anxiety disorders. If you want to know if the therapist is suited for you and your needs, you may look at their credentials and their field of expertise.
Is cognitive behavioral therapy the best therapy for OCD?
Yes. Cognitive behavioral therapy is considered the best evidence-based treatment for OCD utilized by therapists, especially when combined with exposure and response prevention. CBT is also effective at treating other anxiety disorders, substance use disorders, mood disorders like depression, selective mutism, and other conditions that are often comorbid with OCD.
What are the red flags for OCD therapists?
Not all therapists are trained to treat OCD, and the wrong therapist can do more harm than good when treating complex mental health conditions such as OCD and related disorders. Therapists are expected to be equipped with the right knowledge and skills, which is why it’s important to see the signs of an ineffective therapist to avoid wasting your time. Here are some red flags that you need to find a new therapist:
- It’s a sign to find a new therapist if you notice that they don’t use ERP or other evidence-based practices for OCD. Therapists should use updated and research-based treatments for their clients.
- They provide constant reassurance or encourage thought-stopping techniques.
- They claim to cure OCD.
- They lack specific training or experience in treating OCD specifically.
Should I go to a therapist for OCD counseling or anxiety treatment?
Yes. A therapist can diagnose obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety and refer you to a psychiatrist for medication or additional treatment if necessary. Other mental health professionals who can treat OCD include licensed professional counselors, therapists, and licensed clinical social workers. Therapists go hand in hand with other mental health professionals when it comes to helping individuals struggling with mental health conditions using evidence-based treatments.
What triggers OCD?
Different people may have different types of OCD. Your individual triggers will depend on the specific type of OCD you have. Common triggers may include sharp objects, dirty surfaces, or a scene in a film, for example. It is important to address the triggers of OCD with the help of therapy. Licensed therapists can help individuals with OCD identify these triggers and provide ways how to cope with them and improve their overall well-being.
What are the four types of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?
There are more than four types of OCD, but here are four examples:
- Harm OCD - this type of OCD causes individuals to have intrusive thoughts and urges about harming other people or themselves. Harm OCD can be quite common in OCD patients and lead to self-harm or aggression toward others but is treatable with the right therapy guided by a licensed therapist.
- Contamination OCD - this is a sub-type of OCD that involves obsessions about contamination and fear of getting sick and spreading germs. This subtype of OCD involves compulsions such as excessive hand washing, sanitizing, and cleaning.
- Sexual Orientation OCD - this type of OCD causes individuals to have obsessive thoughts and repetitive behaviors regarding their sexual orientation.
- Symmetry OCD - this type of OCD involves individuals with an intense obsession for things to be symmetrical and perfectly aligned. Symmetry OCD can manifest with individuals feeling compelled to arrange things perfectly or in a certain way and feeling anxious when things are not placed to their liking.
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