How To Cope With Anatidaephobia: A Guide To Dealing With The Fear Of Ducks

Medically reviewed by Melissa Guarnaccia, LCSW
Updated October 22, 2024by BetterHelp Editorial Team

A severe phobia of ducks, geese, or swans (anatidaephobia) may affect thousands of people worldwide. As a form of specific phobia, this anxiety disorder can interfere with daily activities, potentially causing depression, social isolation, and a decreased quality of life. Anatidaephobia, meaning the irrational fear that one is being watched or followed by a duck or similar bird, is a specific anxiety disorder that can interfere with daily activities, potentially causing depression, social isolation, and a decreased quality of life. However, with support and treatment, individuals may manage and overcome anatidaephobia and live fulfilling lives. If you or someone you love is living with this phobia, it may be helpful to learn more about the potential symptoms of this phobia, as well as coping strategies to elevate your quality of life. 

Experiencing anatidaephobia?

Understanding anatidaephobia

Anatidaephobia, otherwise known as the fear of ducks, geese, or swans, is often believed to be an anxiety disorder that can interfere with daily activities. This type of phobia is considered rare, and the cause may not be fully understood, as the causes of specific phobias can vary and may be related to past traumatic experiences, genetics, environmental factors, and learned behavior.

If you are experiencing trauma, support is available. Please see our Get Help Now page for more resources.

Symptoms of anatidaephobia

The symptoms of anatidaephobia can vary by case, potentially ranging from mild to severe in nature. Some of the common signs and symptoms of this phobia can include the following:

  • Becoming nervous or overwhelmed at the thought of ducks or geese 

  • Experiencing symptoms of nervousness, such as an increased heart rate or breathing disruptions

  • Nausea or gastrointestinal distress 

  • Sweating, dizziness, or believing you might pass out 

  • Avoiding situations, media, people, locations, or topics that remind you of the phobia 

While there are common symptoms in all specific phobias, the symptoms of a phobia of ducks may not necessarily be a universal experience for all who live with this fear. To explore the symptoms of your phobia in more detail, it may be beneficial to meet with a phobia specialist, like a therapist.  

Coping strategies to help one overcome anatidaephobia

Living with anatidaephobia can be challenging, but some strategies can be used to overcome it. Some may begin by educating themselves about the condition, challenging negative thoughts and beliefs, practicing relaxation techniques, seeking professional help, and gradually exposing themselves to ducks, geese, or swans. Below are a few of these strategies.  

Ongoing education

Education can be a tool in managing and overcoming fears, including anatidaephobia. By learning about specific phobias, what incites them, and the symptoms of your phobia, you may develop a more significant sense of control. Additionally, educating yourself about ducks, geese, or swans might help you see these birds positively and reduce your fear. This process may be beneficial when done alongside a therapist. 

Thought restructuring 

Negative thoughts and beliefs about ducks, geese, or swans can contribute to the severity of anatidaephobia. Challenging these ideas might help individuals reduce their sensitivity to the thoughts. Through cognitive restructuring exercises, an individual may learn that not all ducks, geese, or swans are dangerous, which can reduce their fear response. 

Practicing relaxation techniques

Relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, and yoga, might help individuals with anatidaephobia reduce nervousness and calm their minds. For this reason, therapeutic modalities like mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) or mindfulness-based stress reduction therapy (MBSR) may be beneficial. You can also practice relaxation in some forms of exposure therapy, which have proven exceptionally effective in treating phobias. 

Seeking professional help

Seeking professional help can increase one’s quality of life by offering evidence-based treatment for phobias. A mental health professional can work with individuals to develop a customized treatment plan tailored to their specific needs and goals. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), for example, is often used to treat particular fears and responses—including anatidaephobia. This specific therapy focuses on identifying and changing negative thoughts and behaviors and may help individuals develop coping strategies to manage their fear.

Gradual exposure

Gradual exposure therapy is generally a recommended method for managing and overcoming anatidaephobia. This type of therapy can involve gradually and repeatedly exposing individuals to ducks, geese, or swans in a controlled and safe environment. Over time, this exposure can help individuals overcome their fear and develop a more positive attitude toward these birds. Exposure and response prevention therapy (ERP) must be done with a mental health professional and may sometimes be added to a cognitive-behavioral therapy session. 

Finding support from loved ones

Support from friends and family can be a helpful tool for those working to limit the effect of anatidaephobia in their lives. Talking to loved ones about your fear and seeking support may offer you the encouragement and comfort to ask for help when you are struggling. Because humans are social creatures, social connection, and a healthy support system are often connected to long-term mental health and wellness


Alternative support options

In some cases, it may be difficult for individuals with a phobia to leave home and seek in-person therapy. If you relate, you may benefit from online therapy through a platform like BetterHelp. 

One of the possible benefits of online therapy for people living with anatidaephobia is the development of coping strategies to manage fear. Through online therapy, individuals can work with a mental health professional to identify possible root causes of their phobias from home. In addition, they can reach additional resources like online support groups or worksheets from the same platform. 

Studies show that online therapy can be effective in the treatment of phobias. One study found that internet-based exposure and response prevention therapy was significantly effective in reducing symptom severity, with results similar to studies on in-person therapy options.   


Anatidaephobia can negatively impact one’s life. However, with support and treatment, individuals with anatidaephobia can successfully manage this fear. If you think you might be struggling with a specific phobia, consider reaching out to a mental health professional online or in your area for further compassionate support and guidance.
It is possible to overcome phobias
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