Movies About Depression That May Help People Better Understand The Illness

Medically reviewed by Karen Foster, LPC
Updated July 11, 2024by BetterHelp Editorial Team
Please be advised, the below article might mention trauma-related topics that include suicide, substance use, or abuse which could be triggering to the reader.
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Depression is a common mental illness that affects millions of people across the globe. However, stigmas about mental health may cause those who live with it or people in their lives to misunderstand its symptoms and causes. 

Additionally, stigmas and lack of information may deter people from getting the help they need. For that reason, some movies and TV shows have attempted to help the public better understand depression and other mental conditions through storytelling. Let’s take a quick overview of depression and its key symptoms, and then we’ll list a few TV shows and movies about depression.

Are you seeking a better understanding of depression?

Signs of depression

Mental health conditions such as depression can affect brain chemistry, behavior, and mood. Depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the United States today and affects approximately 8.4% of American adults

The signs of depression can vary. They may not always be obvious, but the symptoms often manifest as feeling like you've changed or are unable to function how you used to. You might also experience things like:

  • Chronic fatigue, no matter how much sleep you get
  • Lack of interest in favorite activities
  • Forgetting information 
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Feeling "foggy" or "out of it"
  • Sleeping less or more than usual
  • Irritability and restlessness
  • Eating more or less than usual
  • Experiencing a lack of energy or feeling "run-down"
  • Prolonged sadness 
  • Feeling regularly anxious or stressed
  • Thoughts of harming yourself 
  • Suicidal thoughts or urges* 

Suicide is the second leading cause of death in young adults and adolescents, and depression is the leading cause of suicide. It’s just one reason why depression awareness is so important.

Types of depression

There are different diagnostic labels under the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) category for depression. Understanding the different types of depression and your diagnosis (if you have been diagnosed) can be valuable in obtaining proper treatment. 

Some types of depression include:

  • Major depression: Major depressive disorder is a common disorder characterized by having at least five symptoms of depression from the DSM-5.
  • Persistent depressive disorder (PDD): Persistent depressive disorder is a less severe type of major depression that continues most days for at least two years.
  • Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD): Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is a form of depression that involves mood changes, and potentially distressing symptoms that occur one to three weeks before a menstrual period.
  • Postpartum depression: Postpartum depression is a severe type of depression that can affect new biological or adoptive parents of any gender.
  • Seasonal affective disorder (SAD): Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that coincides with a change in season or weather. 

Causes of depression

Although there is no single known "cause of depression," there are potential risk factors that have been identified. Some of these risk factors include:

  • A previous history of a mental health condition
  • Mental illness in the family (genetics)
  • Being assigned female at birth
  • Environmental factors like poverty, trauma, or abuse*
  • Hormone imbalances, in the case of premenstrual dysphoric disorder 
  • A chemical imbalance in the brain
  • Lack of sunlight, in the case of seasonal affective disorder
  • Medical conditions such as heart disease, cancer, or Parkinson's
  • Certain medications

Movies and shows about depression

As mental health becomes more destigmatized, the media industry may portray more characters experiencing mental health conditions or symptoms. The portrayal of these mental health conditions in movies may be accurate, respectful, and thoughtful, or poorly researched and outdated. Having healthy, fact-based discussions about mental health may be beneficial after watching one of the following best movies and TV shows that touch on depression.

Please be advised that the media listed may be triggering to some viewers. Watch with discretion.

13 Reasons Why

An often-publicized series about teenage depression is the 2017 Netflix miniseries "13 Reasons Why," based on a young adult novel by Jay Asher published in 2007. This story is about Hannah Baker, a high school student with depression who dies by suicide but leaves recorded tapes about the 12 people she considers to be involved in why she took her life. 

Little Miss Sunshine

Another movie about mental health is the film "Little Miss Sunshine," which includes a portrayal of depression that could be described as lighthearted and infused with humor. The story revolves around a young girl whose dysfunctional family all develop some type of depression except for her. 

Even though the movie includes serious subjects such as suicide and abuse, the general feeling of the film centers on optimism and humor. Those who live with depression may benefit from this movie by seeing how families and loved ones can depend on each other when needed. Those unfamiliar with the disorder might see the subtle and not-so-subtle symptoms of depression.

The Silver Linings playbook

This rom-com was a Toronto International Film Festival favorite when it premiered in 2012 and won 47 awards. It’s a story that focuses on Pat Solitano, a teacher who is released from a psychiatric hospital following treatment for bipolar disorder. Pat is seeking to reconcile with his ex-wife, who left him after the episode that incited his stay at the hospital, but she’s placed a restraining order against him, leading him to find ways to prove he’s in a better place.  

His attempts to get back in her life have him on the edge of depression and anxiety until he meets Tiffany, a woman who’s experiencing symptoms of depression after the death of her husband. The two bond and find each other relatable when they realize what they have in common in terms of mental health and how they cope with symptoms. 

Throughout the film, Pat tells everyone that he’s looking for the silver lining in every moment while experiencing emotional outbursts, depression over losing his wife to his mental health condition, and overwhelming anxiety at his situation. This movie shines a light on the messy side of managing mental health that many people experience through the lens of two people overcoming their struggles as they fall in love with each other. 

Inside Out

The 2015 animated movie Inside Out is intended for kids, but teens and adults may find plenty in it to think and talk about. This movie personifies different emotions in a young girl's mind, including disgust, fear, anger, sadness, and joy.  

Each emotion is depicted as a character, and they are shown working together to help the young girl adjust to complex life changes. The movie shows how each emotion may take over at times within the mind.  

The film emphasizes that negative feelings such as sadness and anger, especially during adolescence, are normal, but that joy can still be found. Further, its message encourages viewers to talk about their emotions so that negative feelings do not become a persistent pattern. 

Getty/Vadym Pastukh
Are you seeking a better understanding of depression?

If Depression Were A Monster

If you’re looking for a short movie about depression, there is a film without words called "If Depression Were a Monster" by BFMP. This two-minute video may communicate more about depression than some full-length and fully scripted movies.  

It goes through 24 hours of a young woman's life with a life-sized blue plush monster following her around, which represents her depression. It’s a symbolic portrayal of depression that may help people visualize what it can feel like to live with the condition. 

A Day In The Life Of Depression

This short video is narrated by Wentworth Miller, who opens up about his experience with depression. In A Day in the Life of Depression, the inner thoughts of some people living with depression are given voice to express how they are feeling inside. In less than two minutes, you can hear the internal monologues of all these individuals. At the end, Miller encourages those with depression to seek help. 

Getting help for depression

If you're living with symptoms of depression or any other mental health condition, it’s recommended that you contact a mental health professional for help. You may find a therapist in your area or reach out to a counselor online.  

Recent research suggests that online therapy sessions can be as effective as in-person therapy for depression in many cases, so this can be a convenient and comfortable alternative for those who prefer receiving care from home. Through an online platform like BetterHelp, you can get matched with a therapist who suits your preferences in as little as 48 hours. See below for reviews of BetterHelp therapists. 

Counselor reviews

“Laurie is helping me to take control of structures and routines in my life to help me overcome anxiety, PTSD, and manage my major depression. I have never been so pleased with a counselor as I am with her. Her first step with me was to ask about my sleep- which I have been waiting for a doctor to ask me about for years (instead of a ‘here try this pill’- her strategy is, ‘let’s begin at square one’)... Laurie is logical, rational, smart, warm and understanding. I love working with her and feel her support in my corner because she always chats me back in a timely manner. I am truly so grateful for her guidance and care.” 

“Darlyn has changed my life in a very short amount of time. I had never participated in counseling before, but with Darlyn’s support, I went from feeling stuck and anxious to having courage to initiate changes in my life, both minuscule and drastic. She offers incredible perspective and asks great thought-provoking questions. Chatting with her via messaging and our weekly sessions has become a great support system and I would 10/10 recommend her to everyone I know.” 


Depression is a common mental health disorder, affecting millions of people worldwide. Today, there's a growing number of movies and TV shows that offer various portrayals of depression to raise awareness. If you are experiencing symptoms of depression, consider reaching out to a counselor for professional support and guidance. 

Depression is treatable, and you're not alone
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