How Do I Find DBT Therapy Near Me?

Medically reviewed by Arianna Williams, LPC, CCTP
Updated June 20, 2024by BetterHelp Editorial Team
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At times, the thoughts, feelings, and behavioral patterns you experience may benefit from outside support. With over 400 modalities of therapy available, there are many options for addressing these concerns, including dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), which targets distressing emotions and how they can connect with patterns of behavior. Through weekly individual therapy sessions using DBT, clients can learn healthy coping mechanisms for emotion control like mindfulness, acceptance, and relationship skills. Learning how to find DBT near you can help you find a provider quickly and efficiently.

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What is dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)?

Complexemotions can be challenging to cope with, and DBT is developed to address them. Dialectical behavior therapy is an intensive therapy type, based on psychology, for people living with profound emotional reactions that inhibit functioning in daily life or relationships.

Developed in the treatment of borderline personality disorder (BPD), DBT helps clients accept and control intense emotions and the reactions that may result by allowing them to increase self-compassion and practice research-backed coping skills. 

The word "dialectic" refers to analytical reasoning in pursuing knowledge and truth in conflict. Through interpersonal effectiveness skills, individuals can develop important skills that allow them to see the facts of a situation before reacting to a conflict with another individual. 

DBT was developed by Dr. Marsha Linehan, Ph.D., a psychologist who developed the therapy modality due to her diagnosis of BPD. Since its development, DBT has become a widely used modality by many of those involved in mental health fields, including individual therapists, counselors, clinicians, and psychologists, for numerous mental health diagnoses and challenges. You do not need to have a mental illness to use DBT. 

Studies, including one from 2006, have shown DBT's effectiveness since its development in the 90s. The criteria outlined by Dr. Linehan for effective DBT practice include the following: 

  • Enhancing your capability to increase skilled behavior
  • Improving and maintaining your motivation to induce a state of change
  • Ensuring the generalization of change through treatment
  • Enhancing the motivation of therapists to deliver the best treatment
  • Assisting you in changing or restructuring your environment to support and maintain progress towards goals, with or without medication

The key elements of dialectical behavioral therapy

Four critical elements of dialectical behavior therapy are often used to help clients assess their needs, manage painful emotions, and decrease relationship conflicts. The elements covered in DBT programs include:

  • Interpersonal Effectiveness: Skills focused on healthy communication, relationships, and self-respect to build and maintain advantageous connections
  • Emotional Control: Strategies focused on helping clients control, change, and understand their intense emotions
  • Distress Tolerance: Skills focused on increasing the acceptance and tolerance of unwanted or painful emotions instead of trying to escape or ignore them
  • Mindfulness: Skills related to being present at the moment and accepting emotions and facts without judgment using a wise mind 

DBT involves a workbook that clients can use to learn the skills from the above four modules. Often, therapists actively partake in roleplay and activities to help clients learn these modules. 


Who can benefit from DBT?  

Although DBT was developed to treat BPD, anyone can benefit from its teachings. As DBT occurs in a class format, it is a structured form of therapy that involves various skills and worksheets. Anyone looking for a structured form of therapy with lesson plans and interactive activities may enjoy this form of treatment. DBT can also benefit the following: 

  • Substance use disorders 
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Depressive disorders
  • Eating disorders 
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 
  • Behavioral concerns
  • Relationship conflicts 
  • Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) 
  • Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) 
  • Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) 
  • Executive functioning difficulties
  • School challenges in children and teens 

How DBT teaches acceptance 

One of the primary themes in DBT is the concept of radical acceptance, which is also a skill and worksheet from the distress tolerance section of the workbook. Rather than teaching you to avoid or eliminate challenges, DBT helps you cope with challenges by showcasing that life can be worth living and that you can still make changes while feeling immense emotional pain. The radical acceptance skill teaches clients how to accept situations that cannot be changed, even when they are challenging to accept. It may be used in the loss of a relationship, during an inevitable transition, or when you believe a situation is out of your hands. 

According to Dr. Linehan, learning the skills to manage these feelings can change your life dramatically, making it possible for you to enjoy your relationships that have formerly been defined by conflict. DBT is more than a way to change your behaviors; it is a tool that helps an individual learn skills to use their emotions and feelings in a more productive way that serves them. 

How does DBT work?

DBT is a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy that teaches clients to accept themselves as they are without judgment while learning skills that have been studied to work. DBT involves four modules with various skills and worksheets throughout. When you first get to your sessions, you may start at the beginning of the DBT workbook and work your way through learning and practicing each skill. Your therapist may participate in the practice, modeling how these skills can be used. 

In addition, DBT can be practiced in an individual or group environment. People can partake in DBT independently, with a partner, with their family, or in a group of strangers. In a group environment, everyone in the group starts the treatment together in the first module, often focused on mindfulness. After going through all four modules, those who have successfully completed the modules may graduate from therapy and have a ceremony. In some cases, this might look like a quick ceremony with treats and music or a session where other group participants offer handmade gifts and goodbyes at the end. 

Graduating DBT doesn't necessarily mean you no longer would benefit from using the skills. Instead, it means your therapist likely believes you've learned the skills sufficiently and can practice them independently. You might still supplement these skills with talk therapy sessions. 

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How can I find a DBT therapist?

Many therapists are trained in DBT. If you're looking for official DBT therapists, classes, or groups, look for a therapist that has graduated courses in teaching DBT and isn't only offering it as a side service to CBT or another treatment. To get the full benefit from DBT, you may want to search for a specialist. You may be able to find a therapist by asking your primary care physician for a referral. If you have a personal therapist already and would like to participate in a DBT group, ask them where you might be able to find one in your city that could be a good fit for you. You may also ask them to refer you to an online directory that lists local DBT groups. 

Many therapists accept insurance, but if you do not have insurance or can't find a provider that offers coverage, group DBT sessions may be more affordable than individual therapy, as there are more slots offered for the session time, allowing therapists to cut down on session costs or distribute the cost of their services between multiple clients. 

Linehan Board of Certification

The Linehan Board of Certification is one of several organizations that provides a public online tool to help potential clients identify providers trained in and offering DBT therapy supported by evidence-based research. Those listed with the Linehan Board of Certification are vetted and proven to have the requisite skills and knowledge to deliver DBT and adhere to the model Dr. Linehan and her colleagues created. 

Alternative DBT therapy options 

An online mental health tool like BetterHelp can provide a flexible and convenient way to receive DBT. Although you may be responsible for downloading or purchasing the DBT workbook, your therapist can provide free worksheets and offer the same structure and lessons as an in-person therapist. Many therapists working on online platforms practice DBT and other forms of cognitive-behavioral therapy. 

Additionally, studies have found that internet-based DBT was as effective as in-person therapy for those that completed the program. Attendance in the online group was also higher than in in-person groups, showcasing the availability of online formats. When you use an online platform, you can match with a DBT therapist and choose to meet over the phone, via video chat, or through a live chat session with a licensed therapist from any location with an internet connection. 

BetterHelp therapist reviews

"I can say with confidence that Daniel has given me tools that have helped me immensely in a relatively short period. I am glad I stuck with this program and that I was paired with him. When I need more interaction he is there responding to my messages promptly and when I procrastinate he's there to give me a nudge back to the reality we need to keep the dialogue going (my words, not his). I highly recommend him!"

"I am a 42-year-old female, successful entrepreneur in a loving marriage, and have a bright and healthy 4-year-old boy. I shouldn't have anything to complain about. I am generally happy, motivated, and have ample self-confidence. So why in the world would I need therapy? Because I need help with constructive ideas to control my negative attitude. I'm generally not a negative person but I'm very self-aware that I have vast mood swings of anger and pessimism and I get that from my dad. I chose Douglas because he counsels using cognitive behavioral therapy and anger management - which is the kind of therapy I need. Douglas comes up with clear solutions and I appreciate that. I didn't want a therapist to tell me to talk about my day and how does that makes me feel and that it's normal to have these feelings. I know it is normal to feel angry sometimes, but I wanted to understand how to recognize it and address it. So if you need a constructive conversation with fast results for everyday annoyances and (especially effective child-rearing advice!) I think Douglas is your therapist."


Whether you're experiencing symptoms of a personality disorder, feel you have sensitive emotions or are looking to improve your relationships, DBT may benefit you. Those experiencing fear of abandonment, chaotic relationships, identity issues, mood challenges, impulsive behavior, sleep challenges, self-harming, suicidal thoughts, substance use, anger concerns, or another challenge may also benefit from the skills within the modules. Take the first step by contacting a mental health professional to get started. 

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