Where does bullying happen?

Asked by Anonymous

Bullying can happen anywhere. It can happen in various areas of a building, in several situations, and many environments. Bullying is using power and force to control or harm another person. This abusive behavior will sometimes be done privately to keep from getting caught or in public to add the pain of humiliation to the victim. Regardless, if the goal is for privacy or publicity, the bully will always find the right venue. 


In the school building, there are specific locations that have a higher likelihood of bullying behaviors. The easiest area is the school playground since the adults can’t cover or watch the entire playground at all times. The hallways/stairwells are the most common areas for bullying since they are either too crowded or empty; either way, the risk of getting caught is low. Other sites for bullying are the classroom, cafeteria, bathroom, and even the school bus. Each of these areas offers isolation or publicity. 


Cyberspace is the virtual world that exists within the internet. Some bullies do not dare to attack someone in person, so they hide behind their computers. This keeps them hidden from the person they are hurting and everyone else. Often, the bully will create a fake online profile or use an alias when cyberbullying to ensure they remain anonymous. It is falsely believed that the internet is a safe place to do and say whatever, so bullies use it as their playground to hurt others. 


The truth is bullying can happen anywhere. Kids are not the only ones bullied; adults are victims of bullying too. Since anyone can be the victim of bullying, it can occur at work, at the gym, and even in the home. Regardless of age, a bully will do whatever it takes to make themselves feel powerful, strong, and better about themselves. The venue will not stop bullying from happening. 

Where bullying happens is a small piece of the puzzle. The focus needs to be on the signs and symptoms that someone is suffering from being bullied. This will provide the awareness to observe who is being bullied and trigger an investigation to lead to where the bullying is happening.