How to overcome anxiety and stress

So I’ve been feeling pretty depressed lately mainly because of my ex boyfriend coming back. We work together and it’s hard to act like everything’s okay with him around. I'm just feeling pretty lost lately. Work is super stressful and I’m trying to quit and find new ones. But I can’t seem to find any or have the courage to leave. And I'm having problems with my dad and family.
Asked by Nessa

Thanks for reaching out, and I will do my best to give you some tips that may help with some of the issues you are facing with the information you have provided.  

When we think about transitions-with job, with relationships, with housing, with family-they tend to always be somewhat difficult.  A break up is certainly a difficult transition, and it is likely a bit more compounded when you work together.  Sometimes it can be helpful to create space in whatever way you can with your ex.  I don't know how possible that is for you in your work environment but it may take some effort from you to be aware of the times that you would see him and find a different route or to navigate any one on one interactions so that they don't happen as often.  I know looking for new work can be hard, but being aware of your options and what else is around you is never a bad thing.  Apply and interview when you can, if nothing else it's good experience for when you find something you are excited about.  Try to keep an open and positive mind in your search.  

I don't know the nature of the problems with your dad and family as you mentioned, however sometimes creating some space can be a helpful tool.  It can help us to feel like we are less involved in whatever is going on and that can sometimes be very helpful.  

When we experience depression and anxiety, sometimes we can take small steps that can make a big difference.  Get outside in the sun when you can, listen to your favorite music, grab your favorite coffee drink, phone a friend, read a book or anything else that gives yourself a moment to pause and focus on something else.  Pay attention to your sleep and eating habits as these are important to maintain to the best of your ability in these difficult moments.  Try to be present in whatever moment you are in, remind your self of the things that you know to be true in those moments and remind yourself that you can do the hard things, even when it feels like you can't.  

There are a lot of great resources for anxiety and depression coping skills, often times I work through these things with clients via You Tube videos and worksheets that I have found.  Try to focus on the basic needs, be kind to you and take one day, one step at a time. 

The other part of healing that I find to be so helpful is tapping in to (and building) your support system.  If you have family or friends that you can talk to, that is so helpful.  Working with a therapist is also a great resource.  If church is a part of your life, there may be someone there that can either talk with you about these things or connect with someone who can.  There are also various support groups online that can be so helpful.  Lastly there may be groups within your community that meet in person.  Try something new, maybe discover something you have always wanted to do. 

It's also helpful to be able to identify what it looks like for you to "move forward."  What are your goals?  What are you working towards doing at this time in your life?  What are the barriers to you meeting those goals...or in your own words moving forward?  What have you done specifically to work towards those goals?  It's SO important to credit yourself for the steps you have taken.  We can be too focused on what we are still doing "wrong" that we forget to talk about what we have done right.  

I hope you have found this helpful, apply what you can in these moments.  I wish you all the best!