How to stop overthinking?

I fail at everything i try because i overthink all my decisions so i need a way to help me with this problem, i know i should stop overthinking but dont know how to do that
Asked by Claus69

Overthinking may be a symptom of perfectionism. Perfectionism can be defined as the need to be perfect or appear perfect. This kind of thinking and coping style causes great anxiety due to the fear of failure and the "what-if's." It also is closely rooted and related to the belief that if I do things well (or perfectly) I will be accepted, loved, and fulfilled. It is irrational and causes an individual to think that everything is conditional. Also, this behavior points to problems with self-image and undervaluing yourself because you may base your worth on other people's opinions and responses. 

It will be helpful to let go of the comparison mindset. Additionally, it is so important to understand worrying. Worrying often seems to be productive as we believe we are preparing for various outcomes and working to prevent be unprepared. Worrying is actually unproductive. It gives us a false sense of control. It is often learned behavior, from parents, caregivers, etc. It is helpful to realize what is in your control and out of your control, evaluate what may be the best plan of action, (weighing the advantages and disadvantages of decisions) and trusting your gut instinct. Anxiety decreases when we acknowledge it and learn to address it appropriately and healthily. Evaluate how you are making the most of your time. Time is one of the most invaluable resources we have. Learn to embrace discomfort and uncertainty. 

Incorporate daily affirmations to help build self-esteem and motivation. Monitor and change your self-talk. Think about what messages your give yourself about who you are and what you can do. Tell yourself what to think even when your brain leans more toward negative thoughts. Be mindful of what you choose to focus on and remember that what we focus on tends to be magnified.

Set realistic expectations for yourself and know that consistency and persistence are key components for growth and success. You also need to define or re-define what success and failure actually mean to you and for you. 

It will be extremely helpful to learn what your strengths are and use them to your advantage. It is imperative to understand that your value and worth are not based on your achievements, your capabilities, or your accomplishments.