How do I feel less lonely in a new city

I moved from my hometown leaving everything and everyone I know behind. Things were good at first but as I’m writing this, I have no job, I don't have a stable income and my boyfriend just broke up with me. I can't help but feel lonely and sometimes feel like would it be better to just give up?
Asked by Mia

Hello there.  I'm glad that you reached out for help.  It's not easy to be vulnerable and talk about our stories and experiences with someone.  It takes courage.

Moving is stressful in the first place.  On top of that with everything else you are experiencing, it's understandable you are feeling overwhelmed and lonely.

What does your daily routine look like?  What do you miss the most about your hometown?  What was your mental health like before this move and before these unfortunate events in your life?  What is bothering you the most right now?  And what do you need the most?  If you had to pinpoint four or five words that would best describe how you've been feeling over the past two weeks what would those be?  In an effort to help you articulate your feelings, once you have those words, take them one at a time.  Let's say for example your words are lonely, overwhelmed, hopeless, scared, and hopeful.  Then, take these words one at a time with these prompts:  I feel lonely when.........I feel I feel overwhelmed when................I feel hopeless because.................I get scared when..............and I have moments of feeling hopeful that look like....................

Who is part of your support system?  If you had to choose one person you could reach out to today, even if it's hard and you really don't want to, who would that person be?  Someone you feel safe with and have a history of trust and respect.

What does your day look like today?  When you first wake up, think about what you need the most this day.  Do you need rest?  to shower?  to call a friend?  To get something done?  To do the dishes?  Call one place of employment.  Search on job sites for 5 minutes?  Make it realistic.  Something that you know you can do and commit to it for that day.  And then to take action on one of these realistic goals you can just start.  Show up and start.  You can commit to  5 minutes of this task.  You can stop after 5 min.  The reason this works is because if we can commit to 5 min, generally once we are started we will continue.  At least for awhile.  But if you end up needing to quit after 5 min, that is fine.  The fact that you showed up here today and took 5 min to ask this question is a huge step.  I can't express enough how important that is.

What is your next step?  What do you need the most today?