What are some steps I can take/things I can do to overcome binge eating and get on a healthier path?

I know that a lot of it is due to stress and anxiety, and maybe even depression, but I go through cycles of binge eating and then not eating much at all. I have a hormone imbalance that I know contributes to it, but I am tired of hating how I look and feel and giving into these cycles that just make it worse. I want to have a healthy relationship with food and be able to get my body healthy, but I don't really know where to start.
Asked by Hungry for Health

Hey Hungry for Health,

Thanks for your question! People often have areas of themselves they wish to change.  Know that wanting them to change and working to change them are different stages and getting from one to the other can take a little convincing.  What stands between you and your ideal look? What will that require? Likely a few things, but portion control, diet, and exercise are likely all part of those things.  These are the sorts of things a nutritionist can work with you on tailoring to your life.  Understand that weight loss is a slow process, not for those looking for an immediate solution.  If you wish to take this approach, I recommend easing yourself into it by increasing how much walking you do.  Start small by setting a daily step goal or a calorie restriction.  I usually recommend adding something to your routine to enhance your activity rather than removing excess to start.  

And of course, if you believe this issue is only squarely in your mind, consider talking to a therapist.  The key to changing binge-eating in that regard is understanding the depths of your relationship with food is, as you already guessed.  You'll want to identify the negative feelings you have about yourself, figure out where they come from, and take steps to abolish that train thought from your mind through cognitive-behavioral interventions.  Such approaches will challenge you to analyze current ideas about yourself and discover new paths to healthier living. Be honest with why you dislike yourself.  Do you feel unhealthy? You should know that people can be healthy at a wide range of weights. Ask yourself what your specific concern is about your look. Are you not shaped the way you believe is ideal? Challenge that thought for yourself and discover it is truly your thought or one that has been handed to you.

I hope you have found this help, Hungry for Health!