How does better help work with insurance?

I have Medicaid and was wondering how insurance affects price. It is through Presbyterian for me. Does it make a difference with better help? and if so, how?
Asked by Jay

Betterhelp is a very affordable online subscription therapy service. it is not covered by health insurance. Services offered using the site are generally not covered by health insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid... With many health insurance plans, coverage can be partial or very limited. Even if your plan covers all your costs, the co-pay that you would be required to contribute may be higher than the entire cost of BetterHelp. Many clients find that they can be helped in as little as sixteen sessions through Betterhelp. There are other options available to you if you have Medicaid for therapy resources in your area. You can google or go online and search for therapists that accept Medicaid in your area. Do not let insurance or worries about insurance be a barrier to getting the help you are seeking. One of the options that Betterhelp offers is financial aid which is available to those who have a need and opt to use online therapy services through Betterhelp. Betterhelp as a company provides the opportunity to receive financial aid based on a client/patient's income. Most of those clients who have used the financial aid option were able to save anywhere from 20 to 50 % of the cost of therapy services through Betterhelp. The important thing is that you do not allow yourself to put up any barriers to seeking and finding the assistance that you desire. Please call around to different counseling and therapy centers and ask them if they take and are accepting new Medicaid clients. You can also Google and search for therapists in your area that will take new Medicaid patients. If you are working, you can ask your boss if they have an employee assistance program. All employee assistance programs are anonymous, and they will not inform your employer that you have called in seeking assistance. The employee assistance program can get you in touch with a therapist in your area. Most employee assistance programs will allow the employees to see a therapist at no charge for at least 6 sessions or possibly more. I hope my answer has been helpful, and please do not let Medicaid or your insurance be a barrier to getting the assistance that you seek.

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