How do I cope with self image issues?

I have been struggling with self image issues for years but recently I’ve felt worse. My husband doesn’t admit it but he’s losing feelings from it. How do I fix it so I’m not worried about this anymore without feeling so upset to the point where it feels like depression??
Asked by Amy

Self image issues are so common among both men and women, especially with social media and entertainment.  We see so many images of people's perfectly curated lives or photoshopped images and people having surgical procedures to make them more "beautiful" it can be very hard to know what is real anymore.

It may be helpful for you to evaluate when you feel the worst. Is it after talking with certain people, checking up on things with social media, or watching certain shows?  If you figure this out, it may be helpful to decrease, or stop, your interactions with that trigger of poor self esteem. Another thing you can do is every time you are saying something unkind about yourself, think of what someone who loves you would say. Repeat those words several times so your mind hears those positive words more than the negative. Our brain believes what we tell it so the words we say about ourselves matter.  

There are also so many wonderful blogs and podcasts out there about loving yourself, I am sure you can find many by using a search term such as "self worth" in your favorite media site.

Please remember that you are worthy of love and self compassion from yourself. Try to be as kind to yourself as you would be to a loved one. If you feel down about yourself, take some deep breaths and ask yourself if you would say the same things about a stranger, your best friend, or another loved one. What would you tell them if they said those words about themselves?  

Remember all the amazing things your body does for you. Remember all the things you've accomplished. Be aware that no one is perfect, and that's ok. Also, everyone's idea of perfect is different. I am sure there are people looking at you and wishing they had some of your characteristics. I am sure you have things you admire about yourself.   Writing down your good points and remembering those and focusing on them can be really helpful.  Having a journal where you write the things you did that you are proud of or parts of yourself you like can be really helpful as well. 

I wish you the best in your journey toward better self worth. It is a long journey and so worth it.