I'm dealing with a lot and need a counselor for my personal relationships.

I recently lost my dad and broke up with my significant other. My mom has moved on. My sister is dealing with a ton of issues. I have always been the mediator, the fixer, so now I’m a mess! I’m a hairdresser, 32 years now. I listen to everyone and never let my guard down to show me. I’m exhausted!!
Asked by Keke


It sounds like you are way past your stress limit.  Indeed, being a hairdresser, you are often like a therapist for many of your clients.  As therapists, we experience burnout if we don't learn how to set boundaries and not internalize our clients' issues.  With your plate being full due to your parents and not receiving support from your sister, you are overloaded.  Adding in the breakup takes it to another level.  You need some social support, and if you can't find it in your social circle, therapy is a great option.  Also, having to carry a facade is indeed exhausting. You don't have to carry the burden alone.

Also, if you have not discovered it yet, mindfulness is a great option.  There are many options to help keep you grounded and in a healthy place.  Guided meditations are an excellent option.  Some people choose adult coloring, listening to music, or a mindful walk.  Yoga is always an option too.  Using simple breathing exercises are helpful too.  The 5 + 3 = 8, is the easiest exercise.  You inhale for 5 seconds, hold for 3 seconds, and exhale for 8 seconds.  Using breathing exercises is convenient because you always have your breath handy. No need to go searching for any items, such as a stress ball or other items used for calming.  

A regular mindfulness practice is scientifically proven to help repair neural pathways to improve depression, anxiety, addictions, and overall emotional regulation.  With practicing only 20 minutes a day, you can literally improve neural pathways in your brain.  Changes can occur in as little as two weeks.

So, making sure you find social support, and giving yourself an opportunity to "be yourself," and letting go of some of your stress could definitely improve your current mental health.  Also, you have probably been helping your sister in addition to all of these stressors.  Remember, you can not pour from an empty pitcher.  It is time to replenish.  If you do not get help, and take a break from your stress, eventually your body will force a break in the stress.  This can come in a variety of health problems such as headaches, ulcers, weakened immune system, and increases achiness.  

Best of luck, and take care.