48 and am lost and have no drive or don't know where to even start I kinda just gave up been so low

Same as above can't get out of funk it's been years ............................................................................................................
Asked by Lostone

Lostone, I appreciate you. I feel like though I am 36, I feel this question deeply. One thing to consider when we feel lost is identifying what that means and then going from there. 

Ask yourself, "lost," why is this the interpretation of what I am feeling? Think about it, you could feel or identify feeling anything, but it's lost that you notice. Are you comparing yourself to others around you that are either less lost than you, or do they all know the way, and you don't? If you think others are on track, how did they do that? How are all the other people on track and you aren't? If this is the belief that our mind is telling us, then let's look at that and what that thought is really telling us. Apparently, the entire world knows what they are doing, and we don't. 

Now, after we notice that we have identified something our mind conceived from a feeling in our body, we can begin either accepting this feeling in our life or changing it. There are really only two ways to do anything, alter or change after all. So if we accept, then work on what interferes with what you are struggling to accept in life. If we do not accept what we think about our situation or judgment on our circumstances, we can start using many techniques to change. There are ways to manage one's feeling of "lostness," which is to get a new job, a new home, or a new spouse; we can make resolutions and see how that all works out. 

Now, when we spend our entire life trying to deny or alter what our mind notices, we start to notice that our mind thinks things all the time, and we can't stop them all. So the idea that you are lost might be turned into the grass is greener on the other side or the belief that things will get better when... In all fairness, those are all interfering thoughts from you being content right now. 

What if you aren't lost, but you believe the thought that you are lost and that you should be somewhere else? What if it isn't true, and yet you've been held captive by this belief your entire life? What if you notice the thought that you are lost and distance from it as just a thought? 

I am proposing that there is no problem with thinking one is "lost" but that it is that you believe you are lost, if anything. You aren't lost, you are where you are supposed to be, but the real problem is that you believe your mind when it tells you you are lost. 

Think about it.