Are dating apps considered social media?

Asked by Anonymous

Most people are familiar with social media applications as well as dating apps. Social media apps and dating apps are a way to meet new people, but there are some differences. Social media tends to be used to connect with friends and family or to reconnect with friends from our pasts, or keep up with those who are in our lives. Dating apps are often for meeting new people, specifically for dating.

Social media apps tend to be free to use and sign up for, but there is a cost involved with some dating apps. Much more personal information is used when signing up for dating apps in most cases. Questionnaires about likes and dislikes are gathered with dating apps. On social media apps, you share what you want; the information isn’t necessary to connect you with those you already know how. It may be helpful to a dating platform to know more to suggest potential matches.

Social media platforms tend to be generic for use by anyone, whether they’re looking for a relationship or not. Dating apps are specifically for those looking to date or find romantic relationships. Some dating apps and platforms are geared toward specific age groups, backgrounds, income brackets, and religions.

Most people hoping to date using social media and dating apps have a clear division between the two. They’re meeting people for dating, dating apps, and keeping up connections with friends and family on social media. A milestone in any newly formed relationship can be becoming “social media official,” which is a point in the relationship when a person is ready to include the other person on their primary friend and family social media as a friend or contact and to list themselves as being in a relationship with the person.

While already popular, dating applications have become even more so in light of the social distancing and lockdown restrictions placed on people to prevent the spread of the virus. They were and are a way of continuing the search for a relationship during times of social distancing that has been very helpful at preventing isolation or stalling in the dating world. 

(MS., CMHC., NCC.)